Your Weekly Astrology Overview: October 14-20, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings,

It’s a quiet week from the Universe, beginning after a Full Moon week ends. You begin this week in a Full Moon zone that will last through Tuesday. This gives you the first few days of the week to start the week on a fun note with some Full Moon wishes. Whatever you are wishing for this week, make those wishes early in the week to set the tone right.

We also are in the midst of Mars in Libra now, which is going to have an impact on your Fall as well. Mars in Libra can help you with either a work or a love matter, and you are going to need your Mars in Libra horoscopes to guide you in the area of your life that this transit will impact the most.

Bookmark This: Mars in Libra War & Peace Horoscopes by the Zodiac Sign

So between a Full Moon and warrior Mars changing signs, last week gave you a lot of energy to work with. This week you are going to use that slower energy to make wishes and get some solid progress on your goals.

When you are stuck, use our tools such as our Daily Horoscopes or Daily Tarot reading to help you find your way in your world every day.

And spend the rest of the month working on tying up any loose ends, making travel plans, or sending out major contracts or mailings. Come the end of the month, a Mercury retrograde will arrive in Scorpio, and mail, transportation, and all forms of communications are going to slow right down.

It‘s going to be emotional. Use Fall’s Mars in Libra energy to bring warrior-style action to your biggest goals before that Mercury retrograde swings into action on October 31.

Until then, happy wishing friends. Namaste!

Planetary Locations During October 14–20, 2019:

• Sun: Libra (September 23, 2019 – October 23, 2019)

• Mercury: Scorpio (October 3 – October 31, 2019)

• Venus: Scorpio (October 9 – November 1, 2019)

• Mars: Libra (October 4 – November 18, 2019)

• Jupiter: Sagittarius (Until December 2, 2019)

• Saturn: Capricorn (September 17, 2019 – March 22, 2020)

• Uranus: Taurus (March 6 – August 19, 2021); Retrograde: August 19, 2019 – January 10, 2020

• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)

Daily Snapshots for October 14–20, 2019:

Monday, October 14

Sun: Libra – To win, let the Sun shine in on the most peaceful and gracious situation.

Moon: Taurus – The slow and steady race is the path to abundance.


  • Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn – There is big change on the horizon when the Sun shines on change-maker Pluto. This is the glory of the Sun that represents your sense of Self working in a tense square with transformation planet Pluto. Sun is in Air sign Libra and Pluto is in Earth sign Capricorn. So the changes that Pluto works on with the Sun are going to be long-term, or at least give you that long-term mindset. You are committed to a big change. This could also mean a power play in the day, and one where you or someone else tries to gear up their own personal empowerment at the expense of someone else’s sense of Self. Try not to engage a power play if it comes your way today, but instead use the energy for personal gain that is attained with integrity and good karma. You can create a powerful change today, but you don’t need to hit someone over the head with it. A more long-term win is in play when you play the role of the bigger person today.

Tuesday, October 15

Sun: Libra

Moon: Taurus


  • Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces – This is going to be a bit of an emotional and dreamy energy in the day, and you may get some good news or a romantic invitation of sorts. You may also just get a text or message that has your creativity and dreamland energy going full throttle. Use it! Communications come via Mercury in emotive Scorpio and dreams, fantasies, and creativity, comes from Neptune in the Water sign of Pisces. Facts and details are not easy to come by today, so today is not the day to focus on big decisions or contracts, if you can avoid that today. Instead, go where the creativity flows and listen to that intuition of a decision or legal matter comes up today.

Wednesday, October 16

Sun: Libra

Moon: Taurus

Thursday, October 17

Sun: Libra

Moon: Gemini – Choices and karma go hand in hand.

Friday, October 18

Sun: Libra

Moon: Gemini

Saturday, October 19

Sun: Libra

Moon: Cancer – Nurturing others nurtures your soul.


  • Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn – There is more change energy in play today but this change is looking to be a favorable one. We have chatty and witty communicator Mercury in Water sign Scorpio working in a sweet sextile with Pluto in Earth sign Capricorn, and this suggests that some news is coming your way that bears a powerful change, or at least brings with it some powerful energy. Pluto is also a secret keeper on occasion, and we all know how powerful secrets can be. But this transit is one that has a positive potential attached to it. Move forward with your weekend with some favorable vibes when you receive information that has the power to change… everything. If secrets get too intense today, use our Free 3 Card Tarot Reading to give you the guiding light of information you need to make good choices today.

Explore the Power of Sextiles: Venus Sextile Jupiter – Your Love, Luck, & Financial Roadmap

Sunday, October 20

Sun: Libra

Moon: Cancer

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope – here on Astrology Answers!

About the Author

Picture of Christine Beswick

Christine Beswick

As a Scorpio, Christine Beswick is a natural empath, using her watery emotional side to bring you the astrology answers you need to find abundance. Christine’s favorite tools of choice are the stars, as it was her grandmother who first told her many moons ago that’s where all the answers were. Christine’s Scorpio side favors writing as her medium of choice to express those answers. When she’s not pondering life’s big questions, it is Christine’s dream to one day be the crazy cat lady on her street.

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