Your Weekly Astrology Overview: September 23-29, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings!

Has September been fabulous for you? If not, you get one more week! Woot woot! The Universe is prepared to deliver you just the energy you need to whoop it up as you finish out the month.

This week we don’t have any major moves or shakes from the planet that are beyond their everyday comings and goings. This is with the exception of the Moon who is gracing us with a lovely New Moon in the Cardinal sign of the Air signs, Libra, this week. This New Moon appears on Saturday and is anxious to share goodwill and magical feelings in the relationship department.

The New Moon joins Mercury and Venus in Libra, and that means we will have a stellium of Libra in play starting this week. It’s a lot of exciting and refreshing energy to have from an Air sign that dominates our relationships.

Refresh your memory on that here: What is a Stellium?

No matter what your relationship status is, it’s time to find that new beginning or new page, one way or another.

The rest of this week’s energy is all about Jupiter. And that’s why you are feeling so optimistic and generous for the better part of the week.

All Earthlings can expect Tuesday’s energy to feel inspired and optimistic, and it will bring some luck for those that have some karma points they are waiting to cash in. And Jupiter also chimes in on Saturday on the same day as that lovely New Moon in relationship-oriented Libra.

For the better part of the week, you will be feeling like some things are too good to be true. Or at least, hopeful for some new beginnings.

If you aren’t quite there yet, then just ask your angels and guides to show you how to manifest exactly what you need right now. They are there, waiting to help. When you can’t, keep track of your Daily Horoscopes and Free 3-Card Tarot reading to help you make those specific day-by-day decisions.

It’s a New Moon week lovelies, time to make some wishes really count! What are your New Moon wishes?

Planetary Locations During September 23–29, 2019:

Sun: Libra (September 23, 2019 – October 23, 2019)

Mercury: Libra (September 14, 2019 – October 3, 2019)

Venus: Libra (September 14, 2019 – October 8, 2019)

Mars: Virgo (August 18, 2019 – October 4, 2019)

Jupiter: Sagittarius (Until December 2, 2019)

Saturn: Capricorn (September 17, 2019 – March 22, 2020)

Uranus: Taurus (March 6, 2019 – August 19, 2021); Retrograde: (August 19, 2019 – January 10, 2020)

Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024); Retrograde: April 24, 2019 – October 2, 2019

Daily Snapshots for September 23–29, 2019:

Monday, September 23

Sun: Libra– To win, let the Sun shine on the most peaceful and gracious situation.

Moon: Cancer – Nurture your domestic side.

Tuesday, September 24

Sun: Libra

Moon: Leo– Feed your inner child today.


  • Mercury in Libra sextile Jupiter in SagittariusThis is some lucky energy chiming into your day. You have communicator Mercury working with lucky Jupiter, in a compatible set of signs. Mercury is in an Air sign, and Jupiter in a Fire sign. Air and Fire are two elements that are very compatible, and you will always see compatible signs in a sextile. This is a favorable transit that may have you feeling like you are dancing on a cloud. This is a communicator planet working with a luck planet, and so you will be seeing news and information of all kinds today that feels good. It may even feel overly optimistic or generous, or it could feel like something is too good to be true. You may also find that conversations with people go smoothly or even really well. Follow the good vibrations today as luck and opportunity are around every corner for those that are following their karma.

Wednesday, September 25

Sun: Libra

Moon: Leo

Thursday, September 26

Sun: Libra

Moon: Virgo – Your flawless attention to details and lists help you win today.

Friday, September 27

Sun: Libra

Moon: Virgo

Saturday, September 28

Sun: Libra

Moon: New Moon in Libra – Begin new chapters by giving peace a chance.


  • Venus in Libra sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius – Here’s another refreshing win from Jupiter on the way, and on the same day as the New Moon to boot! As we prepare to say farewell, to September, we have some lucky energy chirping into the day while the New Moon inspires us to make some new beginnings. This is a very favorable transit between lover Venus and lucky Jupiter, with Venus in an Air sign and Jupiter in a Fire sign. Libra has the advantage here as Libra is getting a lot of love today, and Jupiter is shining down on all of that. Libra is all about being harmonious and diplomatic and being the peacekeepers of the world. Sagittarius puts that little spark in your step and grants you some adventurous spirit. That’s why you’ve been filled with so much luck and adventure this year. Wherever you’ve seen the most luck this year, you should see today, as Venus is attracting some wonderful things for you if your karma is pure. Today’s New Moon wishes should be carefully worded as they are particularly potent now! Use this powerful energy to get exactly what you want out of September as September begins to wrap up while launching some exciting new beginnings under today’s New Moon and lucky Venus energy.

Before that New Moon and before you wrap up September, review this: Numerology & the Number 9What September Means

Sunday, September 29

Sun: Libra

Moon: Libra

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope – here on Astrology Answers!

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