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6-Card Tarot Spread to Help You Make a Decision

While reading the stars can show us what kind of decisions and problems we may be facing at any given time, we are primarily equipped with our intuition, wit, and good senses when it comes to making those tough choices. If only it were always that simple! Sometimes, the intuition

Happy Hobbies: At-Home Hobbies for Your Zodiac Sign

We are living in a time when people are exploring all kinds of new interests and hobbies – but for some, it can be a real challenge to know how to get started – with so many options, how do you know just which one you’d like to explore? Some

All You Need to Know About Stress Dreams

There’s no denying that 2020 has brought with it some unexpected stress. We know that stress releases certain chemicals in the body that we can counter with holistic remedies such as soothing essential oils, calming deep breathing, and meditation. But when it comes to our dreams, stressful times may mean

Need a Life Line? Try At-Home Palmistry

Life is beautiful, but it’s also filled with confusion and challenges. This is why it can be so comforting to turn to professional astrologers and palm readers to learn more about your path, your personality, and why you’re here on this planet. But how fun would it be to read

5 Common Dream Symbols to Unlock Your Inner Power

Is your subconscious trying to tell you something? Dreams can be very powerful sources of insight into yourself – once you learn their meanings. Many times we look at our dream as a whole when trying to decipher its message — but it’s also important to consider the meaning of

How Tarot Can Improve Your Love Life

What does your future hold? What about those parts of the present moment that you might be missing? Life is full of mysteries, and it can be hard to stay focused when you’re wondering about the future, or even the hidden meaning of the present moment. Fortunately, the Tarot can

8 Ways To Create More Wealth with Astrology

Have you ever wondered how you can attract more wealth into your life without taking on another job or playing the lottery every week? There is actually a way to do so which does not involve hoping to hit the jackpot or (and it’s best to avoid these) get-rich-quick schemes.

“Stalker Cards:” Is a Tarot Card Following You?

Among the other crazy phenomena that can occur with Tarot, getting a “stalker card” is one of them – or, more literally, having repeat Tarot cards in your readings. Yes, much like with all other Tarot-related things, this means something too! Whether it’s a card that you are simply seeing

How to Use Your Dreams to Become Successful

Your dreams hold psychic messages for you. These messages mostly come from your own subconscious mind and they can also help you tap into a deeper knowing of who you are so you can align yourself to become successful and extremely content with what you do in life. Our world

Tarot & Oracle Cards: What’s the Difference?

Everyone loves the Tarot, and the age-old system that is cloaked in charm and mysticism certainly is popular for a reason. What about its magical other half, though — an Oracle deck? Let’s discuss the key differences between Tarot and Oracle, and decide whether or not you should invest in

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