Advisors Articles

Your Career Path, According to Your Midheaven

Choosing a career is one of the toughest decisions we have to make in our lives. For some of us, the decision may come easy. For others, there are several factors that have to be considered before we can come to a concrete decision. Thankfully, astrology assists us in the

Ultimate Guide to the Nodes

There are many different parts to a natal chart governing every facet of your life in astrology. You may get started focusing on things like which of the astrology signs your Sun or Moon fall in, or love and money, but most of us quickly start to ask if astrology

Blasting Common Palmistry Myths & Misconceptions

Palmistry is a largely misunderstood art; it is an observation of the predictable lines and patterns on the hand that display characteristics of a person’s personality. The Renaissance era imbued many of the topics related to the healing arts as heretical and established a culture of fear around any topics

Palmistry: Hand & Finger Shapes

​Just as there is a lot to learn in astrology, there are many layers and details to the form of divination called palmistry. Palmistry reveals personality traits, general energy, types of life events, and can be predictive which is called chiromancy. Whether you’re interested in being a palm reader, curious

Deeper Into Palmistry: All About the Mounts

​If you’ve been following along with this palmistry series so far, you know the basics of what palmistry is, what to expect if you get your palm read, and the overall features of your palm. Now that you’ve learned a little about the features and areas of the palm, it’s

Lucid Dreaming: Can You Control Your Own Story?

Today we’d like to introduce you to the concept of lucid dreaming. Let’s look at what this phenomenon is, how to experience a lucid dream, and most importantly, how lucid dreaming can help you. If you’re unfamiliar, lucid dreaming is a state in which you are aware that you’re dreaming,

Types of Numerology – Explained

While there are thousands of languages all over the world, the language of numbers is one that remains a constant globally. You might already be familiar with the concept of numerology – the study of numbers and their Universal meaning in our lives – but did you know that there

I Kept a Dream Journal for 30 Days – This is What I Learned

My dreams have both intrigued and frightened me over the years. From a young age, I was made aware that my grandmother on my father’s side often had dreams that came true, a little bit like predictions or visions. Eventually, this began to happen to me, too. For example, a

Dream On: Why Do Recurring Dreams Happen?

Dreams, especially for those who remember them, play a large role in our lives. They can be so vivid and feel so real that waking up to this reality can feel odd, almost as if our dream worlds are just as real as our waking world. Dreams have the potential

Palmistry: What Does Your Hand Reveal About Your Personality?

​If you’ve been following along with our palmistry series so far, you know the basics of what palmistry is, and what to expect if you get your palm read. Maybe you’ve decided that seeing a palm reader isn’t for you, or that you’d like to be able to do readings

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