Advisors Articles

Palmistry: What Do Your Fingers Represent?

​How carefully do you look at someone’s fingers? For most of us, this is probably not the first physical trait we notice in others. If more of us knew what things such as the length, shape, texture and even proportion of our fingers can reveal about ourselves, we would definitely

Dream Interpretation: Enhance Recall & Decipher Key Themes

What does this dream mean, I don’t dream, I dream too much, I have scary dreams, I want to control my dreams, what are they trying to tell me and how can I sleep so I can start dreaming? Understanding your dreams, recognizing key themes, and being able to recall

Past Life Regression: How to Use Your Past to Influence Your Future

Past life regressions are increasingly becoming a subject of interest in our society. The emergence of the Age of Aquarius brings with it the ability for people to accept themselves for who they are and to acknowledge that all the wisdom and knowledge they need lies deep within them. An

I Got My First Palm Reading – Here’s What I Learned

For those who aren’t too familiar with palmistry, it is the study of the palmar lines and mounts of an individual’s hands. While there are many schools of interpretation in chiromancy, a strong reading (and the type I went for) involves both hands, so that your palm reader can get

Head, Heart, Life: Learn the Important Lines in Palmistry

The art of palmistry has been around for thousands of years; it is a form of divination used to see a person’s potential and personality. It’s also called chiromancy. It includes looking at the shape of the hand, the fingers, and the lines on the palm of your dominant hand

Can Tarot Cards Be Wrong?

Can Tarot cards be wrong? That is a question that many readers, veteran and new, have asked themselves on many occasions. It’s one that sitters wonder about, especially when they request a reading. This article will attempt to explain why, yes, Tarot can be wrong, but not necessarily in the

How Numerology Can Help You Set Your Goals

The system of numerology is similar to astrology but instead helps reveal the patterns that exist in our life using numbers. There is a wealth of inner wisdom that can be unlocked just by learning to both recognize and understand the numerology of our lives. Your date of birth and

Introduction to Palmistry: How to Read Between the Lines

One of the most exciting things about the metaphysical sciences is exploring new portals of discovery – at one point, all of us were new to astrology, Tarot, crystals, or whatever our chosen form of interpretation may be. While it’s always rewarding to master a new craft and become more

What’s the Difference Between a Free Astrology Reading & Horoscopes?

With the wealth of astrology information available on the internet, it’s easy to get confused by the terminology. In general, think of horoscopes and astrology readings as the building blocks that unlocks secrets to navigating life with less confusion and more efficiency. For thousands of years, people have studied the

Tarot Card Meanings Made Simple: Each Major Arcana Card Explained

It seems there is a growing interest in tarot and tarot card meanings these days as the mysterious underground arts are coming into mainstream society. Before you get a tarot reading, it’s good to understand what the tarot can offer you and how helpful it can be. Learning tarot is

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