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The Lunar Nodes: Spiritual Life Lessons

The Lunar Nodes are critical pieces of your birth chart that tell a very detailed story of where we have been and where we are going, and thus, hold the key to your spiritual growth and life lessons. But what exactly are they? Planets? Asteroids? Lunar Nodes are mathematical points

Playful, Energetic, & Loyal: What We Can Learn From Leos

Every sign has their own unique abilities and qualities, but the real beauty of the zodiac is how we need all twelve signs to find a complete picture. Looked at in this way, we can look to each other for inspiration, especially when we need to work on some aspect

What if Your Tarot Cards or Horoscopes Give You Bad News?

Tarot cards and daily horoscopes are great for providing insight into your life, but what if you encounter a seemingly negative reading that portends bad news? First of all, don’t freak out! Bad news and difficult situations can be a blessing in disguise. Those who go to their tarot cards

How To Use Astrology To Follow Your Heart and Find True Happiness

We often hear the saying ‘follow your heart’ but have no defined steps to follow to us do that. The voice of the heart gets distorted in the noise of what society and our family tells us to do. Astrology offers clarity and validation about your heart’s desires, awakening you

How Your Personal Year Number Can Help Your Career

Job satisfaction: sometimes it seems so elusive, doesn’t it? When things aren’t flowing smoothly they can get confusing! Do you stay, weather it out and hope it gets better? Should you leave, hoping that you’ll soon find something new? Do you look for something else while being miserable where you

All About the 2nd House of Wealth in Astrology

The 2nd house in astrology is the house that reveals your income, your assets, your talents, and your attitudes toward them. You’ll also discover a lot about your self-esteem and your sense of worth with a close examination of your second astrological house. It shows you where your ethics and

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