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Use This Tarot Spread to Determine How Someone Feels About You

We often use the Tarot to unpack grand truths, delve into our wildest curiosities… and, of course, unpack our true feelings about someone or something else. But what about the other side? Ever wondered, “How do they feel about me?” Your relationship with someone else (whether romantic, platonic, or something

man in all red standing against a red backdrop

You NEED to Read THIS Horoscope for Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

The planet of restriction and responsibility, Saturn, is going to start a retrograde period in just a few days, on June 29th, 2024. This will last until November 15th, 2024, entirely in the zodiac sign of Pisces. So, what exactly does that mean? About Saturn in Astrology Saturn is the

moon sign ultimate guide

The Ultimate Guide to Your Moon Sign

Whether you’re more left-brained or right-brained, whether you subscribe to faith or science, and whether you believe in astrology or not, there’s one thing that everyone knows: their Sun sign. Even those who staunchly oppose astrology usually know which sign applies to them. The Sun sign is so ubiquitous in

woman with black hair in white joyfully throwing her arms in the air

Your June 2024 Abundance Forecast

Universal energy is abundant in every aspect of our lives this June, whether it’s family, relationships, health, career, or spiritual! Last month brought powerful energies that continue to manifest as new opportunities and insights. You’re getting a boost in manifestation skills as the Universe aligns your life in exciting ways.

Here’s EXACTLY How to Use the Law of Attraction

If you’ve been paying attention in the last few years, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about the power of positive thinking. Also known as the Law of Attraction, this idea has been circulating in many communities—including astrological circles—and suggests that we bring into existence the thoughts we spend the

embrace change with the tarot

How to Embrace Change Using the Tarot

Change is not always easy to embrace with open arms. When our lives feel like they’ve been turned upside down by change, we can begin to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. Enter the Tarot! Tarot can actually be a wonderful source for working through our stubborn emotions and unwillingness

a pair of woman's green eyes, clad with pink eyeshadow, looking over an array of pink flowers

Unlock May’s 2024 Energy for Abundance & Success

Universal energy is ripe for abundance in all areas of your life this May, whether that be family, relationships, health, career, or a spiritual journey. The cosmos supports you in every way possible. Last month’s eclipse vibes are finally settling in, bringing grounded energy that’s fertile for intention setting. Manifestation

ultimate guide to retrogrades article

Your ULTIMATE Guide to ALL Retrogrades

Retrogrades tend to be the first thing people learn about with astrology that scares the living daylights out of them.  But fear not!  Armed with some knowledge, retrogrades can be managed just like anything else in astrology (or life!). What is Retrograde? What is the retrograde definition in astrology?  A

Get to Know Your Current OR Future Partner With This Tarot Spread

Tarot is a brilliant tool for a number of distinct and personal purposes, but many of the most popular questions revolve around romantic partnerships, love, commitment, and compatibility. The heart can be a mysterious thing. When we are craving clarity, understanding, or new perspectives, the cards can help us cut

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