Advisors Articles

5 Good Omens to Watch Out For in Your Dreams

The world of dreams is mysterious. Some people have dreams so powerful and vivid that they stay with them for the entire day. Others have dreams but don’t remember what happened; they may be left with a specific feeling when they wake up and can find no rational explanation for

Do You Have One of These Supernatural Senses?

Whether or not you’re aware of them, each person on the planet has a degree of one or another psychic or supernatural sense – it’s all about determining yours and learning to listen to it. Extra-sensory perception, or ESP, isn’t something we’re taught about in schools, and as a result,

How to Work With New Moon Dreams

We all know there’s a bit of magic and mystery that exists within the cycles of the Moon, affecting everything from our emotions and feelings to our most personal dreams when we sleep. When it comes to the New Moon, the mysterious phase in the Moon cycle where the Moon

5 Dreams You Will Have In 2021 & What They Mean

With so much on the horizon in 2021, it can feel overwhelming at times to keep up with the astrological current. Whether you plan to make big waves and changes or are awaiting certain goals and events to unfold, the anticipation for 2021 can seem almost too much to bear!

How to Listen to Your Intuition to Manifest Miracles & Abundance

Imagine you check your horoscope to find that a certain transit, like a New Moon in Cancer or Neptune retrograde, will enhance your intuition. If you’re familiar with your intuition and proficient at working with it, you might be ecstatic! But, if you’re like many others out there, you might

A Helpful Guide for Understanding Your Most Powerful Dreams

Have you ever had a dream that you can’t seem to shake? Or wake up with the feeling of a distant dream, unable to recall the lands you traveled to in your slumber? Or, perhaps you remember your dreams clearly, but you aren’t quite sure what to make of them.

Here’s How to Get Accurate Tarot Love Readings

Love. It’s one of the most beautiful experiences we can have in life, and most of us are eager to find that earth-shattering romance that we’ve always dreamt of. But the search for love is often a long, arduous process that might contain a few broken hearts along the way.

The Top 5 Benefits of Tarot Readings

Have you been considering getting a Tarot reading done? Or maybe you are a seasoned Tarot reader, interested in becoming more “in tune” with your Tarot deck? If you have been on the fence about Tarot readings, getting your own cards, or having a reading done, one thing you really

Your Guide to Planetary Relationship Compatibility: Sex & Love

Are you wondering if your special someone is compatible with you? Do you wonder if your relationship has what it takes to last for the long haul? if you are looking into relationship compatibility and focusing only on Sun signs, you’re going to find the information and answers pretty lacking.

Lunar Compatibility: What the Moon Says About Your Relationship

Are you crushing and your co-worker, unsure of how to make your move? Are you experiencing misunderstandings or disagreements with your current partner? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, this guide is for you. You’ve probably heard of astrological compatibility, a concept that typically looks at the

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