Angels Articles

pair of hands dealing out a deck of black and gold tarot cards on a white table with crystals and candles

Your February 2025 Angel Card Reading Reveals Some Crucial Insights

Welcome to February, lovelies! It’s clear that we’ve been traveling through a higher energetic matrix, and February isn’t just another month or a “New Year check-in.” It’s a powerful call to action, urging us to integrate the unfolding changes in our lives. It’s anything but ordinary. This month, our angel

angel numbers

Your Essential Angel Numbers Cheat Sheet

Have you ever been scrolling through your social media feed only to notice your phone clock sitting pretty at 11:11? And then maybe you’re driving to work and noticing that a license plate in front of you is sporting the same set of numbers. Or that later that day, a

January angel cards

Read Your January 2025 Angel Card Reading for Essential Guidance This Month

Happy New Year, lovelies! What better way to begin a brand-new month and year than with a little angelic guidance? Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus are still in retrograde motion as we enter January 2025, signaling a moment ripe for reflection and recalibration. This isn’t just a month of resolutions—it’s a

may angel card reading

Unlock May 2024 Angel Guidance for Each Zodiac Sign

May is abundant with change and alignment. There are many blessings in bloom in May. The energy is moving fast and there is no denying the higher timelines that are here. Assisting you through this powerful time is angelic guidance. Your angels are sent to help you through various seasons.

blonde woman reading tarot cards on a carpet adorned with crystals and candles while burning sage

You Need to Read Your March 2024 Angel Card Reading ASAP

The month ahead is adorned with a New Moon, equinox, and eclipse, signaling a time of change and alignment with your destiny and soul’s purpose. March is a highly energetic month; supporting you through this powerful time is angelic guidance. Angels are like your heavenly buddies, sent to help and

woman sitting on a white couch in a green skirt and black shirt reading tarot cards on a table

Read Your December 2023 Angel Card Reading

As we draw the curtains on another year, December brings a significant homecoming marked by astrological shifts that will reshape our outlook. Transitioning from Sagittarius to Capricorn season, we move into a new level of faith, joy, and gratitude. Capricorn season encourages us to address challenges in practical ways. A

white statue of a baby angel

What Does Angel Number 11 Mean?

Have you been seeing the number 11 everywhere you go? Has it popped up on your phone, laptop, or TV screen? Maybe a billboard or poster you walked past? Is this number jumping into your line of vision with such frequency that it’s taking you by surprise? If so, it

smiling brunette woman with an angel halo above her head

Your November 2023 Angel Card Reading

Welcome to November! The collective is buzzing with energy after last month’s eclipse, and this month, we’re in for a thrilling ride of transformation. This energy sets the stage for deep change and transformation in our lives. But we’re not alone on this journey; our angelic allies are here to

the number 10 surrounded by flowers and greenery

What Does Angel Number 10 Mean?

If the number 10 keeps showing up, then pay attention! It looks like your angels are trying to get through to you. The Universe will often send angel numbers our way when they have important messages for us. These angel numbers tend to show up, especially when we are going

white baby angel statue blowing a kiss

What Does Angel Number 9 Mean?

Have you been seeing the number 9 in sequence lately? Maybe 999 or 9999 or just 9 repeating itself to such a degree that you’re beginning to wonder if it really is more than just a coincidence. When it comes to angel numbers, there are no coincidences, so go with

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