Astrological Transits Articles

pair of hands holding up a glowing full moon

The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons

Let’s imagine a Full Moon is approaching. You know what it looks like. You know there is some kind of message to be had; but what does it all mean? The Moon moves in cycles every 28 days, and it can be difficult to follow the meaning of each phase.

What Does the Moon in Libra Mean?

When the sign of the scales meets the enigmatic energy of the Moon, what does it mean for you? (And for us as a whole). In the Moon, we see some of our deepest depths — the world of the intuitive, the emotional, and even the secrets we harbor close

woman in a black dress dancing freely through a green forest

The MOST Important Astrological Transits in the Second Half of 2023

We’re coming close to the halfway point of 2023, so now is the perfect time to start preparing for the major astrology coming in the second half of the year. It may not be as challenging as the first half, thankfully, so we can look forward to that! THE Most

The Ultimate Guide to New Moons

So, you know the New Moon is approaching once again, and you’re sure that the Universe holds a special message within the ebb and flow of the lunar cycles – but what is it? Each lunar cycle lasts 28 days, and within those 28 days, the Moon waxes and wanes.

woman in yellow dress and black boots against a bright red background holding out her hand

THESE Planets are in Taurus Right Now – Here’s What That Means

We’re currently in Taurus season, and we’re under a lot of Taurus energy at the moment. Mercury retrograde ends tomorrow, Jupiter enters Taurus in three days, and we have a New Moon in Taurus in six days. This can be pleasant energy after all of the high energy, thanks to

woman with red eye shadow holding up pink and white roses

THIS Intense Transit is FINALLY Turning Direct

Have you been metaphorically wringing your hands and pulling out your hair during the challenging, often stressful Mercury retrograde period we are experiencing? While every astrological transit serves its purposes and teaches us a certain lesson, Mercury retrograde can be one of the most frustrating times of the year—and it

woman with red hair lying down surrounded by esoteric items such as tarot cards and crystals

THIS Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is About to Change Things Up

The first Lunar eclipse of 2023 is coming in just a few days, and it’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio! This is the last eclipse in Scorpio until 2031, so we’re moving forward after we’re done wrapping things up. It comes with many planetary events and pairs with

woman in a white shirt with short red hair laying on a white blanket reading tarot cards

Your Revealing April 2023 Angel Card Reading

As we move through April, we welcome the energies of renewal and rebirth of spring! This month, the cosmos invites us to tap into the powerful energies of the universe and connect with our higher selves. So we can release any old patterns or limiting beliefs holding us back. The

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