Astrology Articles

A couple in denim shirts stand next to each other, looking away with consternated expressions on their faces.

These are the WORST Zodiac Love Matches

Ah, love! Inevitably, some zodiac signs are more compatible with one another than others. Looking at how your zodiac signs measure up can help you determine if this love is meant to last. While it might not tell you the whole story, it can definitely offer a foundational starting point,

mercury enters aries

Mercury in Aries is About to Help You Take Action & Reach Your Goals

Have you been waiting for your time to shine? Has brain fog and mental fatigue been weighing you down and causing you to lose focus? If you answered yes to either of these questions, this article is for you because we’re here today to talk about the magic that happens

Tarot cards are face up amongst fresh flowers, representing spring.

Your Sign’s March 2025 Tarotscope: Prepare for Transformation

This month’s transits have the potential to be some of the most electrifying yet. Venus begins a profound retrograde in Aries on the 1st, propelling us into a time of Fiery passions and emotions running high, forcing us to examine our relationships with ourselves and others with more intensity and

A hand holds a handful of Tarot cards, shown illuminated by candlelight.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope: March 3rd – 9th, 2025

This week, Mercury will enter Aries on the 3rd, kicking this week off into the headstrong, powerful, and independent sign of the ram. You may feel more compelled to speak up with firmer opinions, move and think decisively, and process events and ideas with passion and strength. In other words,

brunette woman in a white dress floating in water on her back

Everything You Need to Know About Venus Retrograde & What It Means for You

When we see that a planet will be going retrograde soon in our astrology calendar, it is common to feel a sense of foreboding. But there’s no need to worry about the word “retrograde.” Yes, Mercury retrograde gets a bad rep, but when Venus goes retrograde, it is actually a

pisces birth chart

Do You Have Pisces in Your Birth Chart?

Last but certainly not least of the zodiac, sweet and sensitive Pisces is not a sign you’ll want to overlook in your birth chart. That’s right: even if you haven’t related to any qualities of the psychic and compassionate sign of the fish before, you may be closer to this

A pale woman with white hair sits looking at the camera. A yellow flower is blurred in the left corner.

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 24th – March 2nd, 2025

This week is going to be filled with softness, emotions, creativity, and magical vibes as we have the New Moon in Pisces. As we always say, New Moons are the best time to initiate new ventures and plant seeds for what we want to create and build within our lives.

blonde woman with glasses, a blue sweatshirt and orange pants holding her hands up to her head and smiling with her eyes closed

Feeling Emotional? This Powerful New Moon Is Why

We hope you’re ready for amplified intuition, enhanced creativity, and a deeper connection to your emotional center! The New Moon in Pisces is approaching on February 27th, 2025 bringing with it dreamy, whimsical energy that will help you begin to manifest all of your dreams. The New Moon in Pisces

A stack of blue Tarot cards on a light background.

Your Weekly Tarotscope: February 24th – March 2nd, 2025

You may think you’re ready for the week ahead, but some powerful surprises are in store! First up, a New Moon in Pisces will bring us deep emotional, intuitive insights and blessings on the 27th. This astrological event is ideal for setting intentions and putting yourself on the right track

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