Full Moon Articles

What You Need to Know About this Week’s Full Moon

Whether you’ve already been having an emotional and spiritually potent year or not, the Full Moon in Pisces is ready to bring those themes to the forefront here and now. The Full Moon represents the completion of a lunar cycle, and it always focuses on bringing to fruition those things

pair of hands holding up a glowing full moon

The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons

Let’s imagine a Full Moon is approaching. You know what it looks like. You know there is some kind of message to be had; but what does it all mean? The Moon moves in cycles every 28 days, and it can be difficult to follow the meaning of each phase.

What Does the Moon in Libra Mean?

When the sign of the scales meets the enigmatic energy of the Moon, what does it mean for you? (And for us as a whole). In the Moon, we see some of our deepest depths — the world of the intuitive, the emotional, and even the secrets we harbor close

woman with red hair lying down surrounded by esoteric items such as tarot cards and crystals

THIS Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is About to Change Things Up

The first Lunar eclipse of 2023 is coming in just a few days, and it’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio! This is the last eclipse in Scorpio until 2031, so we’re moving forward after we’re done wrapping things up. It comes with many planetary events and pairs with

5 Tips to Survive the Full Moon in Libra

This Full Moon in Libra is eclectic, social, and a bit magical – ushering in the culmination of energies we’ve accumulated over the past month. That sense of release and relief takes some pressure off of your spirit, allowing you to spread your wings and encouraging your most genuine self

woman with red curly hair sleeping in bed

Have You Heard of a Full Moon Hangover? Here’s What You Need to Know

Full Moons can be emotional experiences we all have to deal with every month. They’re strongest right around when they occur (the day before, of, and after). However, the impact of Full Moons can last for about two weeks before and after (starting after the previous New Moon and lasting

10 Things You NEED to Include in Your Monthly Full Moon Ritual

A Full Moon is a magical, mystical period that helps you uncover hidden emotions and understand your deepest desires. This mystical energy is a gift we receive each month as the Moon ends her lunar cycle, and each time this transit reflects the energy of the zodiac sign that the

yellow full moon in the night sky peaking through the trees

Are You Prepared For THIS Intense Full Moon & Solar Eclipse?

On November 8th, 2022, we’ll experience a Full Moon and Lunar eclipse in Taurus! We’re in eclipse season, and this is the time for big developments, big decisions, and big events. Lunar Eclipses occur with Full Moon, which occurs when the Sun and Moon oppose in the zodiac. Lunar Eclipses

a white new moon in the sky against a blue starry night

What Does the Moon in Capricorn Mean?

The Moon and her mysteriously palpable and influential energy must not be overlooked, especially when it comes to astrology. The Moon’s pull affects the ocean’s tides, the growth of crops, the collective subconscious, and perhaps most importantly, our emotions.  The Moon rules over our subconscious and unconscious minds, dreams, feelings,

Here is Your September 2022 Lunar Tarot Reading

The mysterious rhythms of the Moon have enchanted us for millennia — what can it tell us? How does it affect our lives? The truth is that the link between the Moon’s movements and cycles may be mysterious, but it isn’t incomprehensible! We know its power in our bodies and

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