Houses Articles

Do You Have Empty Houses in Your Birth Chart? Here’s What it Means….

Are you new to astrology? Maybe your curiosity made you dig your head into understanding how to read your birth chart? And slowly but surely, perhaps the following astrology jargon will start to make sense: Zodiac signs What each planet means Astrological houses Your Ascendant sign Your Moon sign Psst:

Use the Power of Pisces & the 12th House to Handle Life’s Transitions

Pisces is the last of the zodiac signs. As the Sun makes its way into Pisces on February 18th, 2022, we also recognize that this sign coincides with the 12th house of the zodiac—the house of endings! In fact, Pisces rules the 12th house and it’s a Mutable sign, and

Annual Profection: All About Astrology’s Best Kept Secret

Predictive astrology can be used to look at what’s coming for you astrologically, and one of the more straightforward methods is the use of annual profections. Annual profections as a technique is thousands of years old and a part of Hellenistic Astrology. With the annual profections, you move from one

What is Your Descendant in Astrology?

Every part of your birth chart shows something about yourself and your life, and each position rules something different. The three aspects of your Primal Triad– your Sun sign (your inner self), your Moon sign (your emotional self), and your Ascendant sign (your outer self)–forms the basis of who you

The 12 Houses of Astrology: Understanding the Divine Wheel

The 12 houses of astrology have long been a subject of fascination for many people. The tradition of the wheel of life or fortune is present across all cultures, and almost all forms of astrology have their take on this. But what are the 12 houses of astrology, and what

Your Spring 2021 Career Forecast

We’re now in the second quarter of 2021, and many of you may be looking at revving up your career prospects. If it’s been a slow start to the year, don’t fret. There’s still lots of time left, so let’s explore the career astrology for spring 2021! First, let’s review

The Pisces Stellium: Using Charisma, Creativity & Clairvoyance

Earthlings, this week we’re in some major Pisces energy! A Pisces stellium is kicking around with the Sun, Venus, and Neptune in Pisces, and this week, we’ll also have a New Moon in Pisces and the Moon in Pisces from March 11th to 13th. Pisces is lovely, sweet, gentle energy.

How to Move Forward Your Great Conjunction Goals

Fellow earthlings, we are in a MAJOR time astrologically! And I don’t mean for the month, or the year, or even the decade – I mean in like, human history! Last month, on December 21st, 2020, we had what was called the Great Conjunction, which is when Jupiter and Saturn

You Need to Know the Details of This Aquarius Stellium

This is something you cannot miss! We hope you’re ready earthlings, because as of about a week ago, we entered an Aquarius stellium! Jupiter and Saturn both moved into Aquarius mid-December 2020, and Mercury entered Aquarius on January 8th, 2021. The Sun joins them in Aquarius in a few days

All About the 1st House of Self in Astrology

In astrology, your birth chart is divided into 12 astrological houses. The 1st house reveals the initial impressions you make on others. You might show more of your Sun sign traits to those who are closer to you and who know you better, but your 1st house is what you

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