Houses Articles

The Relationship Houses: How the 3rd, 7th, & 11th Houses Affect You

Are you new to the world of astrology? If you are, we’d like to welcome you to this fantastic, mystical world of the stars. It can be hard or even overwhelming when you step into the celestial land of planets and aspects, as there is a vast array of information

All About the 7th House of Partnerships in Astrology

Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again with the people in your life? Do you ever wonder why you seem to attract (or be attracted to) the same type of person? We all do! But the answer may lie within your birth chart and, specifically,

What Your 1st, 5th, & 9th Houses Say About You

Astrology is a wonderful way to learn more about yourself and the world around you; but with so many factors, it can feel like an overwhelming subject for a beginner – or even for the more experienced student of the stars. Your birth chart contains many pieces of the celestial

Homecoming: A 5-Minute Overview of the Astrological Houses

Are you interested in learning more about astrology, but feeling overwhelmed by all of the new information you’re trying to keep track of? If you answered “yes,” this quick guide on the astrological houses is for you. Astrology involves a lot more than just your daily horoscope, and when you’re

The 11th House: Where Your Wild Things Are

The 11th house in astrology is one of the 12 astrology houses, each of which governs different parts of your personality and life. The 11th house is the house that doesn’t follow the rules and doesn’t care for convention. The 11th house is the wild child in you! Want to

Saturn Through the Houses: Responsibility’s Knocking!

​Saturn is very often painted as one of the bad guys. He is indeed not the most affable of the planets, yet he is fundamental in the blueprint of our lives: our birth chart. Saturn is concerned with teaching us invaluable lessons that facilitate our growth. He rules over karma,

The 12th House: What You Don’t Even Know You Hide

The 12th house in astrology is perhaps the most misunderstood of the houses. Because the 12th house rules your subconscious mind and is the house of the hidden, there is a lot of energy in this house that you don’t even realize is there. It’s locked away in your subconscious,

Birth Chart FAQ: Zodiac Signs in the 5th House

With Leo season around the corner, it’s time to turn our attention to the 5th house. The 5th house of astrology is usually known as the House of Pleasure and embraces all joyous activities: our creative self-expression, playfulness, romantic interests, hobbies and children. The signs and planets in the 5th

Fire & Desire: Exploring Venus Through Your Birth Chart

It’s time to go deep when it comes to the game of love, friends! Going deep and exploring why you love the way you love is what understanding Venus is all about. As we know, every planet in the solar system has a set of themes and qualities attached to

Astrology & Creativity Part II: The Other Houses

Think you’re not creative? Think again! Everyone has the capacity to be creative, you just need to know where to look in your birth chart. We will continue our discussion of astrology and creativity, exploring the role the astrological houses play. In Part I, we explored the creativity of the

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