Houses Articles

Astrology and Creativity Part I: Planets in “Creative” Houses

Photo by Joshua Hanks on Unsplash “Oh, I’m not creative. I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” Sound familiar? Well, it’s not true, so stop putting yourself down! Each of us has some sort of spark that creates original work, and though it might not take the form

What’s the Difference Between a Free Astrology Reading & Horoscopes?

With the wealth of astrology information available on the internet, it’s easy to get confused by the terminology. In general, think of horoscopes and astrology readings as the building blocks that unlocks secrets to navigating life with less confusion and more efficiency. For thousands of years, people have studied the

Should You Read Your Rising Sign’s Horoscope?

Have you been reading the wrong horoscope? It’s possible! Let’s look at why reading your Sun sign horoscope might well be less accurate than reading your Rising sign‘s daily horoscope. We will even take it one step further by considering a theory in Vedic astrology which purports that we are

What Is A Stellium & What Does It Mean in Your Birth Chart?

A stellium refers to when someone has at least 3 planets in 1 sign or house in their natal/birth chart.  There is some disagreement and debate over if 3 or 4 planets are required to be considered a stellium, but don’t get hung up on the details. For our purposes today,

The Basics of Reading Birth Charts

If you want to understand the secrets of the stars, you start with your birth chart. Most people never get to see inside the time capsule of their birth chart, which spells out an individual’s inner-most desires, talents, and communication style to a T. Consider yourself lucky to have had

What Each Sign in The 7th House Means for Your Relationships

Astrology provides much insight into our personalities, careers, and relationships. You may be familiar with your zodiac sign, which refers to astrology and is determined by birth, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg! The birth chart is divided into 12 houses, and each house contains a zodiac sign.

Saturn in Capricorn Horoscopes – Your 2018 Success Plan

Okay, so, holy intense week, Batman, am I right? We’ve had a New Moon, a Mercury retrograde, a Mercury turn around to direct, the Sun entering Capricorn, the Winter Solstice, and now Saturn enters Capricorn. All of this one week before the holidays, and a New Year to boot! That’s

Summer Lovin’ and the Number 7

We are officially in the seventh month of the year, and although it is already winding to a close, it offers us some exciting energy and potential that we can capitalize on. Today we are going to look at how you can combine the energies of both astrology and numerology

How to Eat & Dine for Your Zodiac Sign

There’s an old saying, “You are what you eat,” and dietitians and health gurus have all the scientific data to support this. What does your birth chart have to say about that, though? You might think there’s an astrological answer for nearly everything these days—and you’d be right! Whether you

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