Transit Planets Articles

THIS is How to Read Your Birth Chart Like an Astrologer

Have you heard the term natal chart or birth chart being thrown around lately? What’s your initial reaction to this word? Perhaps you’re whispering— “Birth chart! What on Earth is that?” or Maybe you’re an astrology pro who is super excited to be reading this article because you know exactly

venus in aquarius

This Astrological Transit is About to Improve Your Love Life

A sense of rebellion accompanies the sign of Aquarius, a desire for spontaneity that coats each moment in uncertainty and excitement. And when Venus – the planet of love – moves into Aquarius on December 7th, 2024. You can expect these themes to trickle into your love life! Let’s take

us election astrology

The SHOCKING Astrology of the US Election: Donald Trump & Kamala Harris

The world is pretty wrapped up in the U.S. presidential election, and we’re now looking at choosing between Republican nominee Donald Trump, who seeks to win again after losing four years ago, and Democrat Kamala Harris, the current Vice President and unexpected nominee after President Joe Biden opted to end

mercury in sagittarius

Discover What This Upcoming Mercury Transit Means For You

Think about all of the relationships you have in your life, from romantic to professional, from those that infuse your spirit with connection, intimacy, and joy to those that may even fill you with dread, anger, or jealousy. What do all of these relationships have in common? Communication. Whether that

Beyoncé taylor swift

The Astrology Behind the Star Power of Beyoncé & Taylor Swift

When you ask someone who the biggest stars in the world at this moment are, you’re probably going to hear most people give the same answers: Taylor Swift and Beyoncé.  One started out in the country and has turned pop, and the other started out in R&B and has recently

What is a Saturn Return & How to Navigate Yours

We each experience a unique mixture of planetary cycles and transits throughout a lifetime. You can imagine these life cycles as a rite of passage involving significant revelations, change, restructuring, and independence. In addition, many life cycles connect to planetary returns—the moment a planet travels through the zodiac and returns

You Need to Watch Out for These 3 Major July Transits

​With sweet, emotional, and empathetic Cancer season taking up most of July, you may think that things can’t get more intense. In July, we can expect some standard astrological themes, like Cancer season making up most of the month and Fire-led Leo season, which is still emotional, but in a

What To Expect This Halloween Based On Astrology

Prepare to mark up your calendars for Halloween in more ways than one — the astrology of any holiday can be just as important as whatever your big plans may be! In fact, checking up on what is going on in the stars at the time of any given holiday

How Mercury Will Affect Us in August 2020

Have you heard about Hermes The Messenger and The Trickster? Better known to us as Mercury, he was the only Olympian able to travel between the land of the living and the land of the dead. In August, he will be busy in the skies. Hermes (or Mercury) rules trade,

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