Astrology Articles

summer solstice

You NEED This 2024 Summer Solstice Checklist

The summer solstice is quickly coming up, and it’s go-time for all of those big ideas and infused positive energy vibes. As it dawns upon us in a sweet Cancer sun, with the summer solstice comes an energy of excitement, inspiration, and hope! Also celebrated as Litha, summer solstice energy

moon phase astrology

What Moon Phase Were You Born Under & Why is it Significant?

Once you know your Sun sign and Moon sign and their exact locations, you can take the next step and find what Moon phase you were born in. The Moon phase you were born under can give a little more insight into you and your personality. It can provide information

zodiac sign secrets

These Are the Zodiac Signs That Are the Best at Keeping Secrets

Deeply aligned with the stars, elements, and pieces of the Universe, there’s a little bit of mystery and mystique within all the zodiac signs. But which ones are really the best at keeping secrets? Perhaps you consider yourself already to be quite the private person; zodiac signs considered or not.

weekly tarotscope june 17

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for June 17th – 23rd, 2024

It’s time to tune into what really matters most. Mercury and Venus will enter emotionally attuned Cancer on the 27th, bringing our hearts and minds into a place of love and affection. Additionally, Cancer season itself will unfold on the 20th, propelling us even further into the deep emotional waters

Your Essential Crystal Collection for Cancer Season

Cancers belong to a sentimental, wonderfully intuitive, and inspired sign. But like every other sign, Cancer has its fair share of negative traits, such as moodiness, insecurity, and pessimism. Fortunately, crystal healing can be an incredibly effective way to alleviate some of the uncertain or negative energy that might cause

big three astrology

Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding “The Big 3” in Astrology

​While astrology is an ancient practice that has been gaining popularity for quite some time, it seems to be experiencing an even more powerful resurgence. More people than ever are interested in learning the language of the stars and what it means for them. One of the first things someone

woman with black hair in white joyfully throwing her arms in the air

Your June 2024 Abundance Forecast

Universal energy is abundant in every aspect of our lives this June, whether it’s family, relationships, health, career, or spiritual! Last month brought powerful energies that continue to manifest as new opportunities and insights. You’re getting a boost in manifestation skills as the Universe aligns your life in exciting ways.

weekly tarotscope june 10

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for June 10 – 16, 2024

This week, you can take a deep breath. The First Quarter Moon in Virgo on the 14th can help us ground ourselves productively, look ahead at our plans and ideas, and solidify the next steps for abundance. Otherwise, there aren’t new astrological changes that we really need to keep an

two eccentric woman with short hair dressed in light pink leaning against each other

Your Must-Read Guide to Cancer Season 2024

Have you been searching for abundance and more intuitive energy? If Gemini season is leaving you feeling mentally scattered and emotionally disconnected, you’re in for a treat because Cancer season is just around the corner – and it’s bringing a calmer, more intuitive energy that’s full of depth and creativity.

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