Astrology Articles

two women looking at each other and smiling as confetti falls around them

Here’s EXACTLY How to Manifest Abundance in March Using Astrology

Get ready to elevate your manifestation skills and draw prosperity, joy, and fulfillment this March. As the Universe aligns in your favor, it’s all about setting clear intentions, cultivating gratitude, and aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with abundance consciousness. When the Law of Attraction merges with astrology, a powerful

weekly tarotscopes

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for March 11th – 17th, 2024

As the emotional waters still run deep for this week, we’ve turned to the Tarot for some wisdom and expertise. Although Pisces energy can be deeply informative, transformative, and full of wisdom, it can equally be just the thing to put us right into our feels (especially with Venus in

blonde woman with glasses, a blue sweatshirt and orange pants holding her hands up to her head and smiling with her eyes closed

Feeling Emotional? This Powerful New Moon Is Why

We hope you’re ready for amplified intuition, enhanced creativity, and a deeper connection to your emotional center! The New Moon in Pisces is approaching on March 10th, 2024, bringing with it dreamy, whimsical energy that will help you begin to manifest all of your dreams. The New Moon in Pisces

mercury enters aries

Mercury in Aries is About to Help You Take Action & Reach Your Goals

Have you been waiting for your time to shine? Has brain fog and mental fatigue been weighing you down and causing you to lose focus? If you answered yes to either of these questions, this article is for you because we’re here today to talk about the magic that happens

woman floating in a large pool of water

Your Essential Guide to the Water Signs of the Zodiac

Who would want to, or could possibly, live a life without water? Water is essential for survival, and it’s one of the most beautiful and necessary gifts that we have on this abundant globe. In astrology, like in life, water is an essential component. Each zodiac sign in astrology is

pair of hands holding out a spread of blue tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for March 4th – 10th, 2024

When emotions run high, turning to an age-old craft of wisdom and mystique can sometimes be just the remedy we need. And this week, emotions are definitely running high. Mercury will enter the bold, brave, and occasionally brash sign of Aries on the 9th, immediately followed by an emotionally charged

woman giving someone a reading using a birth chart

Here’s EXACTLY How to Get the Best Psychic Reading

Have you ever considered getting a psychic reading done? Maybe wondered if it would be accurate or not. Thought about where you would potentially go to get one? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re breaking down the benefits of getting an online psychic reading so you know exactly

7 Crystals to Enhance Your Life RIGHT NOW

Go into any metaphysical shop, and you’ll see crystals everywhere! Small or large, tumbled, raw or carved, and so many different colors! They’re very pretty to look at, but what do they actually do? With all the vast selection of stones on the market, what ones do you truly need?

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