Mars Articles

woman meditating in the desert

THIS Intense Transit Will Bring Major Transformation

Fiery Mars is moving into the Water sign Scorpio in a few days.   Mars is the planet of energy and drive in astrology. In your natal chart, Mars shows what drives you to take action and how exactly you act. In transit, Mars shows what you’re driven with at the

man and woman sharing a kiss in front of the ocean

Your Essential Mars in Libra 2023 Horoscopes

When you think of Mars, a few key phrases might come to mind: Aggression, ambition, motivation, and passion, just to name a few. But did you know that Mars, like each planet in astrology, takes on the qualities of whatever sign it happens to be passing through at any particular

brunette woman in an orange suit standing in front of a lake with two other women in suits on either side of her

Embrace the Details When Mars Enters Virgo

Get ready for some grounded and reliable energy when Mars enters Virgo on July 10th, 2023. When Mars moves out of the fiery and passionate Leo, things slow down a little, and we have time to think about the whirlwind time we’ve had. You may have experienced a passionate romance,

woman in a red jumper against a red background jumping up

This Feisty Red Planet is Making Moves Next Week

2023 began with the red planet Mars, retrograde in Gemini, and Mars direct occurs next week. Let energy return! About Mars Retrograde & Direct A planet is retrograde when it appears to move backward through the zodiac. This can throw the energy of the planet off since normal motion is

Mercury & Mars Are on the Move: Where Will They Take You This July?

Two of the inner planets are making moves astrologically…at the same time! Are you ready? Messenger Mercury and Warrior planet Mars shift into new signs only 21 minutes apart on July 5th, 2022. With Mars entering Taurus and Mercury entering Cancer in less than two days, we’re about to experience

Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 11 – 17, 2022

What happens when passion, creativity, and the desire to release all that no longer serves you come together in the course of seven days? We’ll find out this week when two major transits signal energy shifts that will change your perspective and encourage you to embrace transition! First up, we

What Will Happen When Venus & Mars Both Enter Aquarius?

On the morning of March 6th, we have a very exciting moment when Venus and Mars both enter Aquarius within a seven-minute time span. This will create a conjunction until the end of the month and things look set to heat up in the most unique and dazzling way! In

These 5 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected by the Capricorn Stellium

Capricorn season 2022 has more than the usual planetary presence. The skies are gearing up for a whole lot of action, and so are we! All of the cosmos decided to flock together in the tenacious Earth sign of Capricorn. Right now, a whopping five planets are forming a Capricorn

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