Mercury Articles

woman with pink eyeshadow holding a pink flower in her mouth

Mercury is Entering Leo – Find Out What This Fearless Transit Means

Mercury, the planet of communication, information, and travel, is moving into Leo on July 2nd, 2024. Mercury is all about short journeys, communication, and the sharing of information, and it also rules transportation. Think about the issues that usually come up when Mercury goes retrograde – travel becomes more difficult,

These Are the BEST & the WORST Love Matches for Gemini

Gemini season is here, and we’re ready to talk all about Gemini love compatibility. Geminis are the social butterflies of the zodiac, charming those around them with their energetic nature. Today, we’ll examine this sign’s most compatible and least compatible signs. About the Gemini Zodiac Sign Geminis are ruled by

mercury enters taurus

These 6 Zodiac Signs Need to Pay EXTRA Attention When Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury – the planet of communication, information, and the mind – is moving into grounded, calming Taurus on May 15th, 2024, bringing an earthy essence that will help you feel rooted in the terrain below your feet. And while this transit will deliver quite a bit of balanced, harmonious energy

You NEED These 7 Crystals to Get Through Mercury Retrograde

You probably know by now that in the astrology world, Mercury retrograde tends to have a pretty bad rep. When the planet of communication appears to be going backward, it sets all the “normal” stuff in reverse: miscommunication, lack of understanding, technological glitches, anything and everything just going wrong. However,

mercury retrograde myths

10 Myths About Mercury Retrograde You Might Not Know About

So, Mercury is about to go into retrograde on April 1st, 2024, and you’re worried. The computer already stopped working properly, your phone is acting up, communication is in disarray, and your mind is frazzled beyond repair. Or is it? Listen, we know that Mercury retrograde can give us a

mercury enters aries

Mercury in Aries is About to Help You Take Action & Reach Your Goals

Have you been waiting for your time to shine? Has brain fog and mental fatigue been weighing you down and causing you to lose focus? If you answered yes to either of these questions, this article is for you because we’re here today to talk about the magic that happens

Your Ultimate Guide to Controversial Mercury Retrograde

There’s a good chance that you’ve heard the phrase, “Mercury is in retrograde.” If you’re familiar with astrology, you may already know that when a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backward, and its energy shifts. When Mercury is in retrograde, many things feel more challenging than usual.

confused woman holding her head

What to Expect When Mercury Goes Direct in Virgo

We are finally near the end of Mercury retrograde! Time to celebrate. On September 15th, 2023, Mercury is moving direct once again. And the messenger planet will get serious about details when it moves direct in the sign of Virgo. The energy of Virgo is practical and level-headed and allows us to focus on the small details.

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