Mercury Articles

Can You Use Astrology to Predict the Future?

The simple answer to the question ‘can you use astrology to predict the future’ is yes. The more accurate answer to this question is ‘yes and no.’ Because the planets create predictable psychic environments, to a great degree, depending on one’s astrological education, many events can be seen in advance.

How to Use Planetary Transits for Personal Growth

We all check our Daily Horoscopes. Even the good folks that write the horoscopes check their Daily Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, and Career Horoscopes. Believe it! We all want a sneak peek into what is ahead, and it’s always helpful to see how horoscope writers from all over the globe are

What is a Trine? When Mercury, Pluto, & Lucky Jupiter Come Out to Play

We are entering a week where there is some jolly good news on the way, along with some big ideas, big change, and a wealth of information to work with, if you want it. If things have been a little stressful lately, you can thank Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto for

Beneficial Thought: How to Navigate Mercury’s Journey Through Virgo

Mercury enters Virgo on September 5th and will stay until September 21st when it ingresses into Libra. Mercury is at home in Virgo as it rules the sign and is considered to be exalted at 15 degrees of Virgo. This means the energy of Mercury works at its best in

Solar Return: Your Personal New Year

What if I told you that your birthday is actually your own personal New Year? No, not just a reason to drink too much champagne and celebrate. I mean a new year in your life where you are faced with a fresh set of experiences that are intended for your

What Mercury Stationing Direct in Leo Means for You

On August 19th, Mercury stations direct in the Fire sign of Leo. The full Mercury retrograde will end on September 2nd when the post-shadow period is finally over. Generally, the period of miscommunications, delayed business deals and electronic malfunctioning will finally be over. If you follow our articles, you are

Creativity & Persuasion: Top 10 Movies Inspired by Mercury in Leo

Persuasion. Some may define it as manipulation. Others looking on the bright side will nail it down as charm. What exactly is persuasion, and is it good or bad? With Mercury going direct in Leo on August 19th, your ability to enhance your message and to effectively convince others to

5 Ways to Use Mercury in Cancer for Communication

Has life felt a little frenetic lately? Have you felt like communication with all of your nearest and dearest is a bit all over the place? This is Mercury in Gemini energy. Mercury is a tricky, witty, sarcastic, and fast-paced communicator. Gemini is the Mutable sign of the Air signs,

8 Movies About Being a Badass Communicator – Inspired by Mercury in Aries

Mercury, the messenger god is associated with learning, communication and adaptability, among other traits. Mercury had to be fast to deliver all that information to the rest of the crew, so you know when it’s in one of the signs, it means we’ll be more quick-witted and keen to make

Mercury in Aries Square Mars in Capricorn – Frenetic Expression Meets Laser Focus

Mars moved into the controlled and hard-working sign of Capricorn on March 17, increasing our chances of getting things done. Capricorns are known for setting intentional goals and making detailed plans, then putting their heads down and confidently working through until they achieve what they set out to do, no

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