Moon Articles

blonde woman with glasses, a blue sweatshirt and orange pants holding her hands up to her head and smiling with her eyes closed

Feeling Emotional? This Powerful New Moon Is Why

We hope you’re ready for amplified intuition, enhanced creativity, and a deeper connection to your emotional center! The New Moon in Pisces is approaching on February 27th, 2025 bringing with it dreamy, whimsical energy that will help you begin to manifest all of your dreams. The New Moon in Pisces

A Last Quarter Moon 3-Card Tarot Spread

Many of us know that the Moon is more than just a pretty glowing orb in the sky. Even those who are not avid fans of astrology can often feel the effects of a Full Moon and the potency that its energy brings. The concept of werewolves didn’t just spring

new moon ritual

Which New Moon Ritual You Should Do, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The New Moon occurs once a month and marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. This is an excellent time to set your intentions for the upcoming month and let go of the energies that were built during the last cycle!  The reason that a New Moon ritual is

pair of hands holding a small glowing full moon

It’s Time to Make Wishes With THIS Powerful Upcoming Full Moon

Once a month, we get to experience the healing energy and somewhat heavy emotions of a Full Moon – the phase of the lunar cycle wherein the light of the Moon is at its fullest, and it is most visible and illuminated in the night sky. The Full Moon is

gemini full moon

How to Deeply Connect with Your Twin Flame During the Gemini Full Moon

A Full Moon in Gemini is coming our way on December 15th, 2024. Airy and outgoing, this communicative energy is perfect for tying up loose ends that may be lingering around, helping you resolve conflict, set up solid boundaries, or express what’s been on your mind. For all of us, this astrological

man standing on a deserted street staring at a large moon in the night sky

Everything You Need to Know About All the MAJOR Moon Events of 2025

We’re just a few weeks away from 2025, and with a new year, we get all new astrology – including all new Full Moons, New Moons, and eclipses! Full Moons occur when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are opposite one another, so they are in exact opposite positions in

THIS is What it Really Means When the Moon is in Your Zodiac Sign

The Moon spends about two and a half days in one sign and will be in your Sun sign every month for about two and a half days. So… what does this mean for you? The Moon is the planet that moves fastest in astrology, covering all 12 zodiac signs

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