Moon Articles

The Lunar Nodes: Spiritual Life Lessons

The Lunar Nodes are critical pieces of your birth chart that tell a very detailed story of where we have been and where we are going, and thus, hold the key to your spiritual growth and life lessons. But what exactly are they? Planets? Asteroids? Lunar Nodes are mathematical points

Create the Life of Your Dreams With Pisces Energy

With the incoming Piscean Full Moon, we are now at a time of the month where feelings are abundant and our intuition is heightened! All of this mystical and wonderful energy is because of the fabulous Water sign we know and love as Pisces. Pisces is known for many things,

New Moon in Gemini Sparks Twin Flames: Plant Seeds of Change

It′s New Moon time again, and we have another exciting one upon us. With a New Moon in the zodiac sign of the Twins, Gemini, just around the corner, soulmate energy is everywhere. Literally. If you’ve been feeling like you’ve been seeing signs of true love, it’s not just in

5 Ways to Use Moon Energy to Reach Your Goals This Week

You may have heard we had a full moon on Saturday. Quite possibly you saw or experienced the things you were working towards or manifesting show up or some of the changes you were working on come through. We can use moon energy to carve a path through the weeds

A Secret To Success: Know When Your Emotions are Coming From the Planets

Have you ever heard yourself say, “I don’t know what came over me?” Have you ever observed someone act out of character and seem to spew emotions all over other people and overreact? Then they get labeled as a loose cannon or people get resentful and avoid them because of

How the Stars Affect Your Sleep

There’s nothing quite like climbing into our cozy bed at the end of a long day and letting the sweet, soothing wave of sleep roll over us like a cosmic blanket. Conversely, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as a night of poor, restless sleep when you have a grueling day

Practical Reasons To Know What Sign The Sun and Moon Are In Daily

Do you ever read your horoscope and hear about, “The Moon in Sagittarius,” or, “The Sun enters Scorpio for the next month?” Do you wonder why this is important and what it even means when it comes to astrology? The planets affect our physical and emotional states – so, if

New Moon, New Chance for Romance

The new Moon is always a time for new beginnings. It’s the start of a new cycle and the start of a new lunar month. New Moons are best used for pausing between what’s come to an end and what you are waiting to start. Your social life may be

The Relationship Between Astrology & Femininity

We live in a world where, generally, we aren’t taught that femininity is divine or that we should be grateful for our feminine nature. Additionally, many subjects and studies, such as astrology, numerology, or chakra balancing, are considered “pseudo-sciences,” and are frequently mocked by the general public. We aren’t taught

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