Moon Articles

Asian woman in a pink outfit kneeling down surrounded by pink decor and a pink background

A Full Moon in Sagittarius is Coming – Here’s What to Do

Here comes the Full Moon in Sagittarius! It occurs on May 23rd, 2024. Full Moons occur when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon exactly oppose one another in the zodiac. Full Moons are associated with emotional energy and are linked to endings and culminations. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is

quarter moon phases

How to Use the Quarter Moon Phase to Your Advantage Each Month

You probably know about the manifestation powers of the New Moon and the transformative powers of the Full Moon, but how much do you know about the Quarter Moon phases? The First Quarter Moon is halfway between the New Moon and the Full Moon, while the Last Quarter Moon is

taurus new moon

Your New Moon in Taurus Horoscopes Are Here

Are you ready for some radical change? Are you looking for a new beginning and just aren’t sure where to start? If so, hang on tight! The Universe is prepared to grant all of those wishes, but only if you are serious enough to start wishing them. We have one

brunette person dancing in a gold outfit adorned with gold jewellery

EVERYTHING You Need to Know About the Upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

On October 14th, 2023, we’ll experience a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra! We’re finishing up the Taurus and Scorpio set of eclipses and moving into Aries and Libra. We already had an Aries Solar Eclipse earlier this year, so now it’s Libra’s turn. A New Moon occurs when

pair of hands holding up a glowing full moon

The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons

Let’s imagine a Full Moon is approaching. You know what it looks like. You know there is some kind of message to be had; but what does it all mean? The Moon moves in cycles every 28 days, and it can be difficult to follow the meaning of each phase.

What Does the Moon in Libra Mean?

When the sign of the scales meets the enigmatic energy of the Moon, what does it mean for you? (And for us as a whole). In the Moon, we see some of our deepest depths — the world of the intuitive, the emotional, and even the secrets we harbor close

The Ultimate Guide to New Moons

So, you know the New Moon is approaching once again, and you’re sure that the Universe holds a special message within the ebb and flow of the lunar cycles – but what is it? Each lunar cycle lasts 28 days, and within those 28 days, the Moon waxes and wanes.

5 Tips to Survive the Full Moon in Libra

This Full Moon in Libra is eclectic, social, and a bit magical – ushering in the culmination of energies we’ve accumulated over the past month. That sense of release and relief takes some pressure off of your spirit, allowing you to spread your wings and encouraging your most genuine self

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