Moon Articles

Is Your Menstrual Cycle Affected by the Moon?

Your menstrual cycle and the Moon definitely have one thing in common—they both follow 28-day cycles. Yet, does this mean that the Moon plays a part in your menstrual cycle? And if so, how? Before the internet and phone apps became regular occurrences in our lives, the cycle of the

A Spiritual Moon Ritual to Survive the Lunar Eclipse This Week

Do you want to be done and done with Scorpio season already? The skies are whispering, “not so fast!” for here comes this year’s final eclipse season. Mark your calendars for a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19th. It’s an energy that is sure to shake up

What Will This Month’s Moon Energy Do to You?

Have you ever thought about planning your month in accordance with the Moon? The Moon has an intense effect on our emotions, as well as on the ocean’s tides and even crops! And while you may be familiar with the two biggest Moon transits each month – the New Moon

These 5 Zodiac Signs Will Be Affected With These 4 Celestial Bodies in Scorpio

Is there one zodiac sign in particular that you often recognize as your favorite? Perhaps you wish it could always be Virgo season, soaking in that productive energy, for example. Well, here’s an important notice for those that happen to favor intense and emotional Scorpio: for the next few months,

The Perfect Crystals for Transformation During the Quarter Moon

Perhaps one of the most incredible things about the Moon is the potential she provides us for transformation. Those who are deeply connected to the lunar energy will be consciously aware of these transformations when they occur. Others may not feel the connection as deeply, but they will experience the

Your Must-Read Lunar Energy Check-In

The Moon can move the ocean tides and control our crop growth – so is it any wonder that the Moon and her phases can influence our moods and emotions? If you visit Astrology Answers frequently, then you know just how important the Moon and its energy is for us

You Pulled the Moon Tarot Card – Now What?

​At this time of writing, a bright, brilliant Full Moon in Capricorn fills the sky, illuminating the night in its radiant, reddish glory. How apt that it is the 18th card of the Major Arcana, the Moon, that is the topic of this article. The Moon is mysterious. The Moon

A Supermoon Horoscope for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

A Full Moon is a splendid thing. A Supermoon is an even more splendid thing. And your Chinese Zodiac sign is equally as splendid as both. So, what happens when you put the Chinese Zodiac and the Supermoon together? Plenty of Moon Magic, that’s what. As well as an opportunity

What it Means When the Moon is in Your Rising Sign

Every month, the Moon speeds through all 12 of the zodiac signs and spends about two and a half days each month in each sign. This means the Moon is in your Rising sign for about two and a half days out of every month—but what does that mean for

greek god

What Greek God Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

If you’re into astrology, you probably already know the basics about your zodiac sign, such as your positive and negative qualities or your most compatible signs. So, if you find astrology intriguing, you’ll probably want to know which Greek god or goddess is associated with your astrological sign. Each sign

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