Planets Articles

How to Stay Optimistic With Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

We all tend to be familiar with the ever-looming (and perhaps dreaded) existence of Mercury retrograde. But are you ready for its double-barreled transit through the Mutable sign of Gemini? Gemini season itself, which starts on May 20th, places us firmly in its expressive and intellectual energy. And finally, Mercury has been

What Does the Moon in Aries Mean?

In astrology, the importance of the Moon and its effect on our Earthly world down here cannot be understated. Did you know that the Moon’s energetic pull is strong enough to affect the ocean’s tides and even the success of your home garden? It should come as no surprise then

What Will Happen When Pluto Goes Retrograde in Capricorn?

Get ready for a slowdown to adjust to the massive transformations of the recent past! Pluto retrograde begins tomorrow in the Earth sign of Capricorn. Pluto is the transformer planet, and when it is in retrograde, you actually get a chance to take a moment, catch your breath, and get

The Ultimate Guide to Lunar & Solar Eclipses

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about eclipses – both solar and lunar – and how to mentally and emotionally prepare for the energy that accompanies them! What is an Eclipse? According to NASA, “an eclipse takes place when one heavenly body such as a moon

Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 18 – 24, 2022

Have you been looking for both the inspiration and the motivation to make a change? Then it’s time to get excited! This week’s astrological transits bring the opportunity to let go, start over, and enjoy a steady boost of energy. Aside from plenty of pleasant minor transits, the first important

Survive the Upcoming New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Mark your calendars cosmic warriors! We’re officially in eclipse season! After a month of raring-to-go Aries energy, get ready to step into earthy vibes with a New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th, 2022. Eclipses herald a time of abrupt life changes. There’s an “It’s-meant-to-be” energy this month

Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 11 – 17, 2022

What happens when passion, creativity, and the desire to release all that no longer serves you come together in the course of seven days? We’ll find out this week when two major transits signal energy shifts that will change your perspective and encourage you to embrace transition! First up, we

Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 21 – 27, 2022

Do you want a boost of motivation, energy, and assertiveness? If Pisces season left you feeling a bit too whimsical – paying attention to your fantasies rather than responsibilities – then the stars are here to help you get back on track this week! In addition to the fiery energy

What Will Happen When Venus & Mars Both Enter Aquarius?

On the morning of March 6th, we have a very exciting moment when Venus and Mars both enter Aquarius within a seven-minute time span. This will create a conjunction until the end of the month and things look set to heat up in the most unique and dazzling way! In

These Are the Top 5 Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs

Have you ever wondered: What is the most dangerous zodiac sign? What sign is more likely to grab your heart and stomp all over it? What sign is most likely to have a short temper? Which sign might just try to manipulate you? We’re about to find out. In this

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