Planets Articles

A Spiritual Moon Ritual to Survive the Lunar Eclipse This Week

Do you want to be done and done with Scorpio season already? The skies are whispering, “not so fast!” for here comes this year’s final eclipse season. Mark your calendars for a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19th. It’s an energy that is sure to shake up

What Will This Month’s Moon Energy Do to You?

Have you ever thought about planning your month in accordance with the Moon? The Moon has an intense effect on our emotions, as well as on the ocean’s tides and even crops! And while you may be familiar with the two biggest Moon transits each month – the New Moon

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 8 – 14, 2021

Do you need a week of rest and relaxation? Then it’s time to clear your calendar and make space for self-care and tranquil pastimes. There are no major transits taking place this week, giving you a chance to take a break and refresh your energy. If you take the time

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 1 – 7, 2021

Are you ready for some extreme manifestation vibrations, followed by committed love and intense conversations? Then this week was tailor-made for you – especially if you have any prominent Scorpio placements. First up, on November 4th, we experience a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio, marking the best time

These 5 Zodiac Signs Will Be Affected With These 4 Celestial Bodies in Scorpio

Is there one zodiac sign in particular that you often recognize as your favorite? Perhaps you wish it could always be Virgo season, soaking in that productive energy, for example. Well, here’s an important notice for those that happen to favor intense and emotional Scorpio: for the next few months,

All About the Lucky Planet Jupiter

Not only is Jupiter the biggest planet in your solar system, but it is also one of the most liked. The truth is, Jupiter is just so likable and lucky that you can’t help but smile when you think of it! If you imagine the planets as people, you can

An Energizing Mercury Direct in Libra 4-Card Tarot Spread

We are wrapping up the last Mercury retrograde of 2021, as the planet of information, language, organization, and communication stations direct in Libra, a Cardinal Air sign associated with harmony, beauty, and collaboration. Even though Mercury will be in a shadow period for a time, making it essential to continue to

How to Embrace Individuality With Jupiter in Aquarius

Are you ready for some juicy Jupiter in Aquarius horoscopes? Lucky planet Jupiter goes direct in a brand new sign, entering Aquarius on October 18th, 2021. Jupiter has been in Aquarius for most of 2021, staying until May 13th (when Jupiter entered Pisces briefly) and returned to Aquarius on July

How to Be a Boss, Based on Your Saturn Sign

The planet Saturn often gets a bad rap in astrology. Usually, it is classified as the planet of rules and restrictions. Many people get intimidated by upcoming Saturn transits believing it may bring hardships, more work, or just no fun. I’d like to challenge that mentality. Saturn may bring challenges,

Weekly Astrology Forecast: October 4 – 10, 2021

Are you ready for shifting energy, transformation, and adventure in romance? Then the stars have got you covered this week because they’re bringing new energy and some excitement! While you may be experiencing the frustration of Mercury in retrograde, the excitement begins on October 6th with a New Moon in

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