Planets Articles

Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 20 – 26, 2021

Are you ready for a week of emotional release followed by blissed-out balance? Then scoot over and make room for the stars and their plans because they’ve got some big ones in store for you this week! We have two major transits rolling in this week, starting right on September

Your Must-Read Lunar Energy Check-In

The Moon can move the ocean tides and control our crop growth – so is it any wonder that the Moon and her phases can influence our moods and emotions? If you visit Astrology Answers frequently, then you know just how important the Moon and its energy is for us

Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 6 – 12, 2021

If you’ve been looking for a powerhouse week of manifestation and passion, then buckle your seatbelts and get ready for a wild ride! This week brings two major transits that give you a chance to start anew, attract your desires, and spark that fire within yourself. We start on September

How to Navigate Uranus Retrograde in 2021

Greetings earthlings! Uranus is set to turn retrograde on August 19th, 2021 but it will go direct once more on January 18th, 2022. Uranus retrograde 2021 is now beginning, and we’re all going to experience the planet of the new, different, sudden, unexpected, and change going backward in the sign

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 9 – 15, 2021

Are you ready for a laid-back week filled with clear, thoughtful communication? Then it’s time for you to unwind and get ready to relax because this week, the stars are taking a step back and letting us recharge. We only experience one major transit on August 11th, when Mercury –

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 26 – August 1, 2021

Are you looking for fun yet clear communication with a side of practical motivation? Then this is your week because the stars are bringing two magical transits your way this week that will help clear up communication while giving your sense of ambition a boost! And while this may seem

8 Ways to Live Fabulously Fierce When the Sun Enters Leo

Break out your dancing shoes and dust off the microphone because it’s Leo season – the time of year when you feel alive with playfulness, positivity, and a bit of pride – and that’s reason enough to celebrate! Have you ever stopped to wonder what it is we love so

Make Love & Romance Sizzle with Passionate Venus in Virgo

On July 21st, 2021, Venus enters earthy and practical Virgo, which takes us down a notch from the wild passions of Leo and provides us a little more clear-thinking in the realm of romance. Leo brings out our wild side, no doubt, and the conflicts and harsh words of the

You Pulled the Moon Tarot Card – Now What?

​At this time of writing, a bright, brilliant Full Moon in Capricorn fills the sky, illuminating the night in its radiant, reddish glory. How apt that it is the 18th card of the Major Arcana, the Moon, that is the topic of this article. The Moon is mysterious. The Moon

Weekly Astrology Forecast: June 28 – July 4, 2021

Have you been looking for a little rest and relaxation? Do you need some time to gather your strength and simply enjoy the moment? Then this calm and low-key week will give you a chance to let your body, your mind, and your spirit refresh and regenerate new, enthusiastic energy.

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