Planets Articles

8 Ways to Live Fabulously Fierce When the Sun Enters Leo

Break out your dancing shoes and dust off the microphone because it’s Leo season – the time of year when you feel alive with playfulness, positivity, and a bit of pride – and that’s reason enough to celebrate! Have you ever stopped to wonder what it is we love so

Make Love & Romance Sizzle with Passionate Venus in Virgo

On July 21st, 2021, Venus enters earthy and practical Virgo, which takes us down a notch from the wild passions of Leo and provides us a little more clear-thinking in the realm of romance. Leo brings out our wild side, no doubt, and the conflicts and harsh words of the

You Pulled the Moon Tarot Card – Now What?

​At this time of writing, a bright, brilliant Full Moon in Capricorn fills the sky, illuminating the night in its radiant, reddish glory. How apt that it is the 18th card of the Major Arcana, the Moon, that is the topic of this article. The Moon is mysterious. The Moon

Weekly Astrology Forecast: June 28 – July 4, 2021

Have you been looking for a little rest and relaxation? Do you need some time to gather your strength and simply enjoy the moment? Then this calm and low-key week will give you a chance to let your body, your mind, and your spirit refresh and regenerate new, enthusiastic energy.

A Supermoon Horoscope for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

A Full Moon is a splendid thing. A Supermoon is an even more splendid thing. And your Chinese Zodiac sign is equally as splendid as both. So, what happens when you put the Chinese Zodiac and the Supermoon together? Plenty of Moon Magic, that’s what. As well as an opportunity

Weekly Astrology Forecast: June 21-27, 2021

Has Mercury retrograde been grating on your nerves? Are you ready to let go of the stress and upsets of the last month and start anew? Then this is the week for you, as the stars above are bringing us some relief from frustration coupled with a chance to let

How to Use Jupiter Retrograde to Improve Karma

On Sunday, June 20th, 2021, one of our most benevolent planets in the solar system turns retrograde. So what does this mean for us? Jupiter is the planet of optimism and confident energy. When we feel great on those bouncy days, we attract positive experiences, which is why Jupiter is

Your Cancer Season Money & Wealth Forecast

Are you ready for abundance? Cancer season is just around the corner, and as the summertime unfolds in the northern hemisphere, we all want to have a little fun! But what about the funds needed for those summertime adventures? Well, that’s what we’re here to tell you today! The Sun

What it Means When the Moon is in Your Rising Sign

Every month, the Moon speeds through all 12 of the zodiac signs and spends about two and a half days each month in each sign. This means the Moon is in your Rising sign for about two and a half days out of every month—but what does that mean for

Rebellion Reigns Supreme With Anaretic Jupiter in Aquarius

On May 5th, the planet Jupiter in Aquarius turns anaretic, entering the anaretic degree as it’s gearing up to move into Pisces. This means big energy is here! Jupiter in Aquarius began in December 2020 and will be on and off until December 2021. This is the first time we’ll

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