Planets Articles

greek god

What Greek God Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

If you’re into astrology, you probably already know the basics about your zodiac sign, such as your positive and negative qualities or your most compatible signs. So, if you find astrology intriguing, you’ll probably want to know which Greek god or goddess is associated with your astrological sign. Each sign

How to Get Physically Active, Based on Your Mars Sign

Spring is coming! (That is if it has not already come to your location.) The grass is greener, and the plants are starting to bud or bloom. I’m sure getting more sunlight in during the day and feeling the warmth of the breeze pick up has already gotten you outside

Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 8 – 14, 2021

Get ready to put your powers of manifestation to work because there’s a New Moon in the creative sign of Pisces gearing up to deliver some juicy creativity to your spirit! The New Moon takes place on Saturday, March 13th, and this time around, it’s in a Water sign –

Your Mercury Direct in Aquarius Guide

We’ve been dealing with Mercury retrograde for about three weeks now, and tomorrow (on the 20th of February), we’ll have Mercury direct in Aquarius. Huzzah! If you’ve been feeling off over the last few weeks, you’re not alone, and we’ve got all the details on what to expect next. Mercury

What Happens When Saturn Squares Uranus in 2021?

In 2020, we all felt the contraction of Saturn in Capricorn. Our social circles, the economic outlook, and your ability to travel all got smaller. It’s been tough, but there is hope. On December 21st, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn aligned in Aquarius, heralding social innovation and thoughtful growth here on

How to Woo Your Crush, Based on Their Venus Sign

Not everyone appreciates Valentine’s Day. I totally get it! Why be reminded that you’re single (if you are) or have to buy an obligatory gift or dinner out for your partner (if you are in a relationship)? All things considered, regardless of if it’s near Valentine’s day or not, what

Venus Conjunct Jupiter Lovescopes: Love Outside the Box

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and with that, the planets bring us a lovely aspect: Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius! What exactly does this mean? Something big and exciting! This aspect went exact on February 11th, so we’re under its influence right now. 2020 did not have Venus conjunct Jupiter

How to Navigate Relationships With Venus Conjunct Saturn & Uranus

Have your relationships been feeling extra challenging right now? You can thank Venus conjunct Saturn and Venus square Uranus coming up for that! Venus is the planet of love and relationships, so anything involving Venus can impact that part of our lives. Maybe not the greatest with Valentine’s Day approaching,

How to Move Forward Your Great Conjunction Goals

Fellow earthlings, we are in a MAJOR time astrologically! And I don’t mean for the month, or the year, or even the decade – I mean in like, human history! Last month, on December 21st, 2020, we had what was called the Great Conjunction, which is when Jupiter and Saturn

Last Quarter Moon in Libra Tarot Spread

Working with the phases of the Moon can be a powerful part of individual spiritual practice, and as the light of the Moon grows and dims, we work with it in different ways. The New Moon invites us to set intentions, look ahead to new beginnings, and be purposeful with

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