Planets Articles

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 4 – 10, 2021

Did you know? There are three inner planets switching signs in this week’s astrology overview. Mars is entering Taurus, Mercury is entering Aquarius, and Venus is entering Capricorn. This will feel like an energetic adjustment and possibly confusing, but it will make waves for some exciting changes. Be sure to

Make Plans for Your Dreams With Mercury Trine Uranus

This is the time of year when we all start looking forward, hoping to embark on a brand new year with brand new adventures. That is even more so the case after the way 2020 went! Today, we get some help for this with a new beginnings transit: Mercury trine

5 Ways to Embrace Rebirth This Winter Solstice

Are you ready for the peak of transformation and rebirth this December? Get ready for the Winter Solstice! On December 21st, 2020, this special time of year will occur, and this marks the beginning of long days and short nights as spring approaches. It is a time of rebirth, renewal,

How to Communicate This Holiday Season Based on Mercury Signs

Whether you are traveling (and I hope you’re staying safe) to see family and friends or staying home-based, this time of year tends to put a huge amount of pressure on everyone. This pressure can build over the days and weeks and eventually lead to an outburst resulting in hurting

Chiron Direct Tarot Spread: Working With the Wounded Warrior

A minor planet and comet most often known as the “wounded healer,” Chiron stations direct in Aries on December 15th, after going retrograde in July of this year. A relatively new discovery in astrology, Chiron travels between Saturn and Uranus, giving this centaur long transits and a sensation of deliberate,

Seize Opportunities for Success With These 4 Planets

At this very moment, we are in a period that is heightened for potential astrology success thanks to Venus sextile Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. Venus is one of the beneficial planets, making Venus one of the astrology planets you can use for success. Venus sextile Pluto and continues into next

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini: How to Work Magic

It’s time for a Full Moon again when the Moon is at its most ripe and illuminated – it shines a light on certain situations in our lives and helps us understand things that we may not have seen before. The Full Moon can be an emotional time in anyone’s

5 Things You Need to Know About Lunar Eclipses

Have you ever experienced the beauty, the magic, and the splendor of a Lunar eclipse? Whether you’ve viewed this magnificent sight for yourself or felt the powerful, potent celestial energy that accompanies this phenomenon, it’s impossible to deny the mystery and the mystical nature of the enigmatic Lunar eclipse. While

Domicile & Detriment Dignities in Your Birth Chart

With all the craziness 2020 has brought, it is easy to look to resources outside of ourselves to give us some sense of peace or direction for the future. Astrology indicates energy forecast patterns and shares practical wisdom for how to handle all the ups and downs. Too many times,

5 Underrated & Powerful Divination Systems

Tarot has taken the world by storm, and it’s not unlikely that you are already well-acquainted with this magical divination tool. But it’s also not the only form of divination out there — and if you’re not looking closely, you may just be missing out on some powerful divinatory systems!

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