Planets Articles

Mercury Direct in Cancer: Clear Your Head & Heart

In two days, Mercury goes direct (July 12) again! Mercury has been retrograde in Water sign Cancer since June 18, and even before then, we were dealing with Venus retrograde in Gemini (which ended June 25). It’s been a slog of retrograde energy, starting with Venus in mid-May and then

I Have a Double Zodiac Sign – Now What?

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m a double Scorpio, so you know I tell it like it is!”? What exactly does it mean to have a double sign? Can you be a triple sign? How do you find out if you are? We all know about our Zodiac signs,

Are You Prepared For Eclipse Season?

While there are different types of eclipses that bring certain energy, there is one thing that each eclipse has in common: change. Whether we’re dealing with a partial, total, Lunar, or Solar eclipse, this common theme is always present. Eclipses shake things up, which is why this can be a

What is Moonology?

Moon lovers, this one’s for you! Have you ever looked up at the sky at night and seen an ethereal, beautiful Full Moon and just felt a strange sensation deep within you that feels like a personal connection with that round orb in the sky? Have you ever seen a

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 8-14, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of June 8 – 14 beautiful souls! Another week past! This week we have a waning Moon, which means we are entering a time of decreased illumination. When our creative spark is not at its highest, it’s easier to get daily tasks

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 1-7, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of June 1 – June 7, 2020 you beautiful souls! Last week is behind us and we have a hot week ahead.The biggest event this week is Friday, June 5th when we have the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the Fire sign

Monthly Astrology Transits: June 2020

Welcome to your Monthly Astrology Transits Overview for June 2020! This will serve as your ultimate reference guide to the stars. Below are the astrology transits that you can look forward to in June, broken down by which transit occurs on each day. Find out the exact dates of the

How Your Venus Sign Can Help You Connect During Social Distancing

We’re collectively living through a challenging time filled with uncertainty and isolation that most of us have never experienced previously. It can be hard to feel connected right now, especially when we’re still practicing social distancing and following safer-at-home orders. Yet, connection is one of the most important things in

Tarot for the Twins: Which Tarot Cards Represent Gemini?

On May 21st, the Sun moved out of steady, earthy Taurus and into adaptable, airy Gemini. So what does this influence mean for us? Ideas Galore—this is a great time for fresh ideas! Gemini is a sign that thrives on communication, travel, and language, always seeking the next mental adventure.

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 25-31, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of May 25 – May 31 beautiful souls! After two very busy astrological weeks, we finally have some peace and quiet. We are in the lull before the storm this week but in a positive way and here is why. Two eclipses

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