Planets Articles

The Masculine & Feminine in Astrology

Understanding the masculine and feminine energies in astrology can help us see much more clearly how the planets affect us and having this insight will help us better understand people. When we know the introverted (feminine) and extroverted (masculine) signs, we can better understand the birth chart as well as

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: July 22-28, 2019

Hello, friends! Happy post-eclipse cycle! If you’ve made it this far in July relatively unscathed emotionally, give yourself a big gold star and a pat on the back. And if you are still dealing with some post-eclipse emotional energy, then know that this too shall soon pass. We’ve just come

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer Love Horoscopes by the Zodiac Sign

​Ooh la la, it’s love horoscopes time! My favorite time of the month! This month we have some special love horoscopes, because Mercury is retrograde in the Cardinal sign of the Water signs, Cancer. Mercury retrograde is a special time for love. It’s a time when you should expect blasts

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: July 15-21, 2019

It’s a Full Moon week, friends! We have one more intense week from the Universe before the dust begins to settle down for the Summer. This week’s intensity is a little more strenuous on your emotional workout than others have been. We’ve been forecasting an intensely emotional July due to

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: July 8-14, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings! We don’t have too many transits or big shakeups on the docket this week, and you can thank the Universe for that. If you made it through last week’s multiple transits, including a New Moon, Mars and Venus changing signs, and a solar eclipse, then you are in

Chiron Retrograde in Aries: Accept Who You Are

From July 8 to December 13, the asteroid Chiron will be retrograde in the Fire sign Aries, which will bring to light identity issues that we have still carry buried from our past. This is a great opportunity to get clear with who you truly are and stop acting like

When Change is the Only Answer: New Moon in Cancer Eclipse

July 2nd brings us a total solar eclipse during the New Moon in the Water sign of Cancer. For those of you who don’t speak ‘astrology’ quite yet, all of that essentially means that the Universe will be creating such an intense energy that we will be ready to make

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: July 1-7th, 2019

Behold, Earthlings! It’s July! The seventh month of the year has arrived, which is a powerful month. Not only are we well past the halfway point of 2019, but the number 7 in numerology and astrology is very significant. Last week brought us lots of questions, now it’s time to

What to Expect with Assertive Mars in Feisty Leo

On July 1st, assertive Mars will enter into equally powerful Leo – where it will remain until August 18th – creating a swirling of playful, intense energy that would be hard to miss. Mars is considered the planet of energy, and it rules over our strength, courage and willpower. Mars

How to Relieve Stress Based on Your Moon Sign

As we’ve learned from our exploration of Moon signs, they are vastly different from our Sun signs and carry different significance in our lives. While our Sun signs have more influence over our general behavior, our egos, and how we identify ourselves, our Moon signs relate more to our inner

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