Planets Articles

Your New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse Horoscopes

​It’s change time, friends! Are you ready? This Summer 2019 is another eclipse Summer, and that means that we all are undergoing some major change. The first one around is the New Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse that is happening on July 2, 2019. Like every New Moon, this

Where is Mars in Your Birth Chart?

​Every single one of us has something that drives us, inspires us to take action, and we all take action in different ways when we are driven to act. This is found through the location of Mars in the birth chart. Mars is the one who makes you say, GO!

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 24-30, 2019

We’ve arrived at the last week of June, Earthlings! Can you believe we are already in the last week of June 2019? Enjoy this lovely last week of June blossoms, friends; the Universe has given us a fairly fun and quiet week to enjoy it in. We are just coming

Align Your Soul & Career with Saturn Sextile Neptune

Have you been in a bit of a career tail-spin? Maybe you have had a pattern of dealing with difficult bosses or jobs that bore you? Well, whatever your career woes may be today, June 18th has some promising energy to help elevate your career to become something you enjoy

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 17-23, 2019

Happy Summer, Sunshines! After last week’s chaos, we have a nice quiet week from the Universe, with few transits to report. And the transits that are in play this week are exciting ones! It’s a week where the opportunity and potential for closed chapters arrives, and the promise of new

Rise to New Heights on the Rose Full Moon in Sagittarius

It’s that magical time of the month again when a Full Moon is upon us. This one is known as the Rose Moon in Europe or the Strawberry Moon in North America. Today and into the beginning of the week, there’s a strong prediction that the Moon will be taking

Jupiter Square Neptune: Things Are Not What They Seem

Hang on, everyone, because 2019 offers us three squares between the planets Jupiter and Neptune! A square is a tense aspect created by 2 planets making a 90-degree angle to each other from our perspective on Earth. Square aspects tend to bring resolution through some type of psychological conflict. If

Your Weekly Astrology Overview June 10-16, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings! We have a long-awaited slow and steady week from the Universe, friends. There are no major movements from the planets this week, and that will bring some calming energy into the mix this week. Even the daily transits are rather quiet, although we do see Neptune bringing up

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 3-9, 2019

Happy June! Goodbye May! It’s a beautiful month to enjoy as we open up the first week of June. This week is an exciting one as Gemini energy wanes and Cancer energy begins. Gemini’s energy is Mutable and very fast-moving. We have the Sun and Mercury in Gemini right now,

Gemini New Moon: Think Fast!

It’s time for all astrology signs to set those intentions and prepare to experience some rapid-fire energy! Instead of relying on future predictions, work with the energy of the planets to make your dreams come true. As you know, every month we get a gift from the Universe to help

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