Planets Articles

Mercury Direct in Pisces Brings Creative Energy Into Your Career

Are you ready to jump-start some success? The sluggish energy of Winter is over, and we are now entering a new phase. During the last few weeks of Winter, and as Spring arrived, we were still in the slow lane of communication, management, gadget slowdowns, and technological disruptions due to

Moon in Cancer: How to Deal with Sensitivity

The Moon sign is an important part of who we are, just as important as our Sun sign and our Rising sign. While our Sun sign represents our ‘soul’ and who we are learning to become and our Rising sign represents the outer shell that we show to the world,

Cancer Horoscope: What Mercury Going Direct Means for You

If you’ve been frustrated feeling like things aren’t moving forward this month due to Mercury retrograde, get ready for life to go full-speed-ahead when Mercury goes direct. Cancers, are you ready to get a clear picture of what to expect as Mercury goes direct? You sensitive Water signs have some

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 25-31, 2019

Happy Spring, beloveds! It’s been an intense flurry for March this year, a little more so than usual. They say March can either go in like a lion and out like a lamb, or vice versa. But it seems that we have all of the lion energy happening right in

How Does Your Moon Sign Influence Your Love Language?

Have you ever felt there is an intangible barrier in your relationship, something you cannot put your finger on but nonetheless leaves you feeling slightly isolated from your partner? Maybe you checked your astrological compatibility already and think everything sounds good on paper- but is it really? Whether you’re a

Everything You Need to Know About Chiron in Aries

Chiron is on fire! Chiron entered Aries on the 18th of February after spending the last eight years in ethereal Pisces. But who is Chiron and what does he represent? Astrologically, Chiron is a minor planet and a comet. Orbiting between Saturn and Uranus, he creates a bridge between past

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 18 – 24, 2019

It’s Spring, it’s Spring, it’s SPRING! Do you feel the energy switching already? It’s the energy of Spring. Those in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in the Far North and beyond, are beginning to feel like you don’t live in the North Pole anymore. It’s refreshing. Snow is melting. Ice pellets

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 11 – 17, 2019

Happy last week of Winter, Beloveds! We are in an exciting time of growth and opportunity, or at least, a time where we can see the prospects and potential for growth. It’s the last week of Winter!! In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the last week of Summer, and some of

Beneficial Thought: Uranus in Taurus Roadmap & Relationship Checklist

It’s wakeup and shakeup time in love! We have the shock planet Uranus entering Fixed Earth sign Taurus this month, and this is a transit that is going to last seven years. This is the change-making expect-the-unexpected planet of Uranus heading on into the Earth sign that is known for

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 4 – 10, 2019

It’s a happy week of unconditional love, friends! Pisces magic is running high, and our Mutable Water sign is getting a lot of action this week. We have a beautiful New Moon in Pisces later in the week, and communicator Mercury also switches directions and goes retrograde this week. All

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