Planets Articles

What’s My Purpose? An Exploration of Your Karmic Axis

As Mark Twain once said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” I vividly remember the day when I answered the question, “what is my purpose?” It was during my studies in Evolutionary Astrology as I

Solar Return: Your Personal New Year

What if I told you that your birthday is actually your own personal New Year? No, not just a reason to drink too much champagne and celebrate. I mean a new year in your life where you are faced with a fresh set of experiences that are intended for your

What is A Saturn Return & Why Is It So Intense?

Have you gone through ages 27-30 yet? People often speak of Saturn returns as if they are as ominous or more intense than the common woeful Mercury retrograde. Just as a true understanding of Mercury retrograde shows how valuable the energy of that time can be to you, a true

The Lunar Nodes: Spiritual Life Lessons

The Lunar Nodes are critical pieces of your birth chart that tell a very detailed story of where we have been and where we are going, and thus, hold the key to your spiritual growth and life lessons. But what exactly are they? Planets? Asteroids? Lunar Nodes are mathematical points

Create the Life of Your Dreams With Pisces Energy

With the incoming Piscean Full Moon, we are now at a time of the month where feelings are abundant and our intuition is heightened! All of this mystical and wonderful energy is because of the fabulous Water sign we know and love as Pisces. Pisces is known for many things,

Business Time: Mars Moves Direct in Hardworking Capricorn

Mars retrograde ends on August 27th as the planet stations direct. The planet of passion, also known as the god of war, is moving full speed ahead in the most industrious sign of the zodiac, Capricorn. But what does that mean? You may be familiar with Mercury retrograde, which happens

What Mercury Stationing Direct in Leo Means for You

On August 19th, Mercury stations direct in the Fire sign of Leo. The full Mercury retrograde will end on September 2nd when the post-shadow period is finally over. Generally, the period of miscommunications, delayed business deals and electronic malfunctioning will finally be over. If you follow our articles, you are

Creativity & Persuasion: Top 10 Movies Inspired by Mercury in Leo

Persuasion. Some may define it as manipulation. Others looking on the bright side will nail it down as charm. What exactly is persuasion, and is it good or bad? With Mercury going direct in Leo on August 19th, your ability to enhance your message and to effectively convince others to

How Mars Retrograde In Capricorn Affects Work

We want you to know what’s affecting your mood as of late in the work and passion realm. Mars has been retrograde since June 26 in the sign of Aquarius and will be going direct on August 27th in the sign of Capricorn. August 12th is the day Mars retrograde

Playful, Energetic, & Loyal: What We Can Learn From Leos

Every sign has their own unique abilities and qualities, but the real beauty of the zodiac is how we need all twelve signs to find a complete picture. Looked at in this way, we can look to each other for inspiration, especially when we need to work on some aspect

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