Planets Articles

Practical Reasons To Know What Sign The Sun and Moon Are In Daily

Do you ever read your horoscope and hear about, “The Moon in Sagittarius,” or, “The Sun enters Scorpio for the next month?” Do you wonder why this is important and what it even means when it comes to astrology? The planets affect our physical and emotional states – so, if

How to Make Friends and Influence Difficult People With Mars in Scorpio

You’ll notice that our Weekly Horoscopes have recently brought something to your attention. You’ll see it soon manifesting in your Daily Horoscopes as well. That is the intensity of the next big upcoming transit of Mars in Scorpio. It is as intense as it sounds. Here we have the warrior

New Moon, New Chance for Romance

The new Moon is always a time for new beginnings. It’s the start of a new cycle and the start of a new lunar month. New Moons are best used for pausing between what’s come to an end and what you are waiting to start. Your social life may be

The Relationship Between Astrology & Femininity

We live in a world where, generally, we aren’t taught that femininity is divine or that we should be grateful for our feminine nature. Additionally, many subjects and studies, such as astrology, numerology, or chakra balancing, are considered “pseudo-sciences,” and are frequently mocked by the general public. We aren’t taught

Attracting Jupiter in Scorpio – Luck in Love by the Zodiac Sign

Jupiter strikes again! The god of luck, optimism, and generous spirit is switching gears and moving from harmonious Libra to intense and mysterious Scorpio. This is a wonderful year-long transit that will help you to increase the amount of luck, optimism, and generous spirit in your lives, vive la Scorpio.

Mars in Virgo – Get Obsessed About Flawless Attention to Detail

It’s that time of year where the lazy, hazy days of Summer come to an end, and a season of harvest and productivity is upon us. It’s a little bit harder for some to pull their socks up and get the productivity wheels moving. Thankfully the universe is there to

Virgo 101 – Explore the Qualities of the 6th Zodiac Sign

We talk a lot about the qualities and characteristics typical of the sign of Virgo, but how much do you know about the 6th sign of the zodiac? How do we know what information to consider when we are talking about the sign of the Virgin? What are some of

Numerology and Astrology: The Ancient Dance

Astrology and numerology are typically thought of as two, entirely separate entities, with numerology being the study of numbers and the meaning behind them, and astrology being the study of the stars and planetary movements and their influence over us. Take your birthday, for example. Astrology would look at the

Work Hard & Play Harder With Mars in Leo

Friends, we are about to get some amazing energy to brighten up your summer: the transit of Mars in Leo! When I think of the themes of Mars in Leo, I think of the infectious, charming, and driven personalities of Hillary Clinton, Robert Redford, and Thomas Jefferson. All three of

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