Planets Articles

What Your Zodiac Sign and the Planets Reveal About Your Health

Hello again, friends! Welcome to another instalment of ‘Ask Charla’. You probably already know what Sun sign you are. You might even know your Sun sign’s ruling planet. However, did you know that every Sun sign corresponds to a different area of the body? If you are familiar with the

Need Some Healing This Spring? What Chiron & Mutable Energy Can Teach You

“Mama said there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this, my mama said.” Having one of those days? Weeks? Months? It’s been a hectic few months from the Universe, but if you aren’t feeling the swing in your spring yet, the Universe has an answer for that. This

Mercury Retrograde In Taurus

This week, life enters the slow lane as we will have three planets in retrograde. Mercury retrograde in Taurus began on April 9, and will be in effect until April 20. At that point, Mercury retrograde will still be in play but will move into Aries. Until then, however, with

6 Interesting Facts About Solar Eclipses

As an astrologer, I always get an influx of questions from my clients whenever an eclipse is looming, so I thought I would discuss them as one will be upon us soon on February 26 at 9:58 AM (EST). There are usually four eclipses during a year (although like everything

What’s Mercury Doing in February?

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, it also has a naturally fast orbit. That means its energy impacts us here on Earth pretty frequently. In February, it is moving through the zodiac signs of Aquarius and Pisces. It will also be making aspects with the outer planets of

December’s Supermoon: What You Need to Know

The December 2016 supermoon will reach peak fullness at 7:05 p.m. EST (0005 GMT) on December 14. If you’ve been following any astrology articles at all these last few years, you’ll have seen a lot of talk about supermoons. It seems you can’t go from one season to the next

The Useful Energy of a Void of Course Moon

What is a Void of Course Moon? You may not have even heard of it, but it will have a subtle influence on you all the same. A Void of Course Moon (VoC) means that the Moon makes no aspect (angle) to any of the planets or points in the

Focus on Relationships with Jupiter in Libra

The jovial giant of planetary joy has been transiting through Virgo for the last 13 months, but as of September 9, we’re under the influence of Jupiter in Libra, and with this comes a definite shift of energy. Jupiter in Virgo just delivered plain hard work, because that’s the trademark

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces — Be Cool & Stay Close to Friends

Hot on the heels of the recent solar eclipse is September 16 lunar eclipse. What do you need to know? Well, many of the things that are relevant are in the article Five Things You Need to Know About Lunar Eclipses. However, every eclipse — solar or lunar — is

Surviving a Solar Eclipse During Mercury Retrograde

Eclipses always bring with them some kind of a clout, and September’s solar eclipse is no exception, especially with Mercury being retrograde in Virgo at the same time, AND the eclipsing Sun making a hard aspect with Neptune and Saturn, forming what’s known as a ‘T-Square.’ Wherever this falls in

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