Planets Articles

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Focus on the Positive

We’ve gotten pretty used to Mercury’s forward and backward dance through the skies. After all, this little planet does the retrograde tango roughly three times a year, and we’ve come to accept the quirks as little shmoos rather than huge discords. However, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Virgo is accompanied

Patience is an Asset with Mercury and Mars

The current alignment of Mercury square Mars in the fixed signs of the zodiac isn’t going to be a walk in the park, but fortunately, the challenges are fleeting, due to Mercury’s speedy orbit. All the same, you can expect some confrontation over the next day or three, particularly when

Venus Trine Saturn: Owning Relationship Responsibility

Transit: Venus Trine Saturn Venus is making a short-lived aspect to Saturn this week. Even though this is a fleeting thing (only lasting a few days), it could have a pretty profound influence on your love life. What you start – or end – now could have far-reaching effects. That’s

Sun Square Uranus: Here’s How to Avoid Stress & Embrace Positivity This Week

This week brings the Sun into an awkward alignment with Uranus. This isn’t anything extraordinary; the Sun makes this aspect at least twice a year. It’s Uranus being in fiery Aries that can create some issues, though. The Sun rules your personality and countenance, while Uranus brings with it all

Mercury’s Emotional Challenges and Dreams

The first week in July sees Mercury come into a rather demanding aspect with Saturn. At 150 degrees, there’s no getting around the fact that there’s just nothing in common here. They don’t share a sign or an element or a quality. This can make communication difficult, and bring some

Jupiter in Virgo: The Only Money Ritual You’ll Ever Need

Transit: Jupiter in Virgo 2016 The heat of July is beating down upon us — are you feeling it, financially? There always seems to be something extra to spend that hard-earned cash on during the summer months, so why not plan for a bit of extra money. This is a

5 Ways to Boost Your Career While On Summer Vacation

After all of the struggles that came with the planets moving retrograde this spring, you’ve earned a breather! Well, we’ve got good news: Summer Solstice (also known as Litha) has come and gone, and summer is finally here, so kick off your shoes and take a deep breath. Even if

Career Tips for Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn — Earth Signs

Earth signs are the practical and steady ones of the zodiac. You need to create stability and security in your life. You don’t show off your wealth, you just enjoy the creature comforts that it provides for you. You often take jobs that aren’t particularly exciting, but which have stood

Career Tips for Gemini, Libra & Aquarius – Air Signs

Air signs are the thinkers of the zodiac, so you’re unlike to see them in emotional or creative jobs. If you’re a Gemini, a Libra, or an Aquarius, look for a field where a rational mind is required. You’ll create your success when you use reason and deduction rather than

Be Your Best During Retrograde Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio | May 28 – Aug 3 2016 Themes: Increased intensity, strong desires, impulsiveness Expect some frustrating times when Mars enters the zodiac sign Scorpio on May 28, 2016. While the red planet feels at home in the sign of the scorpion (it was, after all, the ruler

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