Planets Articles

mercury direct

Here’s EXACTLY What to Expect When Mercury Goes Direct

Have you been feeling frustrated, tense, or stressed out due to the energy created by Mercury retrograde? If so, you’re not alone. Even people unfamiliar with astrology are likely to have heard the ubiquitous phrase, “Mercury is in retrograde” – that’s how infamous this transit is. Your car may break

manifesting with the moon

How to Manifest Using the Moon Cycles

The Moon is a mysterious and wonderful planet that rules over the sign Cancer. This zodiac sign encompasses qualities associated with the Moon: powerful emotions, creativity, intuition, nurture, and moodiness. People with a lot of Moon in their chart tend to have strong psychic abilities and an interest in the

brunette woman in white sports bra with her arms outstretched to a blue sky

Try These 8 Ways to Use This Upcoming Full Moon to Your Advantage

Full Moons. They have quite the reputation, don’t they? You may have even heard rumors about a surge in visits to the Emergency Room during the Full Moon– in fact, there was one study performed that showed that about “81% of mental health professionals believe the Full Moon can make

Beyoncé taylor swift

The Astrology Behind the Star Power of Beyoncé & Taylor Swift

When you ask someone who the biggest stars in the world at this moment are, you’re probably going to hear most people give the same answers: Taylor Swift and Beyoncé.  One started out in the country and has turned pop, and the other started out in R&B and has recently

mercury retrograde

5 Things That Are Actually EASIER to Do During Mercury Retrograde

Well, it’s time for another Mercury retrograde again, but before you get too nervous, let us deliver the good news before this transit arrives. There are actually things that become easier to do during the three or four weeks when Mercury, the speedy planet of communication, goes retrograde, so breathe

sun signs

Your Ultimate Guide to Sun Signs

When it comes to astrology, the Sun sign seems to get all of the credit—and for good reason. Your Sun sign is the aspect that gives us the most information about who you are at the core. Simply put, your Sun sign represents the sign that the Sun was in

gleeful brunette woman in a black dress and red lipstick with her hands in the air surrounded by heart-shaped balloons and confetti

You Might Just Find Your Soulmate During THIS Important Transit

Love energy shifts as Venus moves into Virgo on August 4th, 2024! This sign rules the details, so Venus in Virgo can be a time to pay closer attention to your loved ones and your relationships, noticing the little things and seeing their true value. With Venus in Virgo, it’s

sun sign

Why Don’t I Relate to My Zodiac Sign?

If you’re reading this article, the chances are you don’t relate to your Sun sign. Don’t worry. You’re not alone! I’ll begin with my own experience. Once upon a time, I thought astrology wasn’t for me. I was born a Libra. A harmonious, balanced, graceful, peace-loving Libra who cannot stand

leo birth chart

Where is Leo in Your Birth Chart?

With the Sun touring Leo and Leo Season in full swing on July 22nd, we’re about to feel a little more creative, romantic, and fun-loving. You don’t have to be a Leo to have this energy in your life, though—we all have Leo somewhere in our natal charts, and that

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