Sun Articles

Astrology and Creativity Part I: Planets in “Creative” Houses

Photo by Joshua Hanks on Unsplash “Oh, I’m not creative. I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” Sound familiar? Well, it’s not true, so stop putting yourself down! Each of us has some sort of spark that creates original work, and though it might not take the form

Can You Use Astrology to Predict the Future?

The simple answer to the question ‘can you use astrology to predict the future’ is yes. The more accurate answer to this question is ‘yes and no.’ Because the planets create predictable psychic environments, to a great degree, depending on one’s astrological education, many events can be seen in advance.

How to Use Planetary Transits for Personal Growth

We all check our Daily Horoscopes. Even the good folks that write the horoscopes check their Daily Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, and Career Horoscopes. Believe it! We all want a sneak peek into what is ahead, and it’s always helpful to see how horoscope writers from all over the globe are

Sun in Libra Love Horoscopes – Blessed are the Peacemakers in Love

With a tough eclipse season of change behind us, farewell Summer 2018, we are heading into a much more blissful and peace-filled series of transits from the Universe. THANK you! Life and love are starting to find a more balanced and harmonious perspective. Along comes Fall! Fall is a wonderful

Birthday Compatibility: 20 Celebs That a Virgo Would Be Besties With

Happy Birthday, Virgo! Have you ever wondered which of your favourite celebrities you’d actually be friends with? While the Sun is in Virgo from August 23rd to September 22nd, we are shining some light on the Virgos so we can learn about compatibility. It’s great to be equipped with the

Solar Return: Your Personal New Year

What if I told you that your birthday is actually your own personal New Year? No, not just a reason to drink too much champagne and celebrate. I mean a new year in your life where you are faced with a fresh set of experiences that are intended for your

Playful, Energetic, & Loyal: What We Can Learn From Leos

Every sign has their own unique abilities and qualities, but the real beauty of the zodiac is how we need all twelve signs to find a complete picture. Looked at in this way, we can look to each other for inspiration, especially when we need to work on some aspect

Sun in Cancer: Summer Lovin’

It’s time to settle down my friends! The scattered Gemini energy is dissipating, and a slower moving love-front is heading right in. That would be the loving and nurturing energy of the Cardinal sign of the Water Signs, Cancer. Mercury has already entered Cancer, so you have probably already experienced

Sun in Pisces Trine Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio

From March 8 to July 10, Jupiter is in retrograde in the sign of Scorpio. On March 13, the Sun in Pisces trines Jupiter in Scorpio. Wondering what that mouthful of words means? Let’s break it down piece by piece, because there’s a whole lot going on! Trine is an

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