Venus Articles

Venus Sextile Jupiter – Your Love, Luck & Financial Destiny Roadmap

​We are in for a wonderful surprise this week friends, and it’s the kind of stuff that will have you floating on Cloud 9, regarding any area of your life. That is the stuff of a Venus and Jupiter sextile, when love meets luck, or it meets your wallet! This

Mercury & Venus in Libra: Debates & Debutantes

​On September 14th, Venus and Mercury enter Libra. Get ready for talking to become a big part of how you spend your time during this transit, as well as for your love life to start to blossom effortlessly. We’ve consolidated the most important aspects of these planetary movements to give

Weird Dreams & What They Mean with Venus Opposite Neptune

​The planet of dreams, Neptune, is opposing the planet of love and beauty, Venus, which can bring about fantasy dreams or ideas that aren’t grounded in reality about how you need to sacrifice for love. Do not let your dreams make you think you need to settle in order to

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 24-30, 2019

We’ve arrived at the last week of June, Earthlings! Can you believe we are already in the last week of June 2019? Enjoy this lovely last week of June blossoms, friends; the Universe has given us a fairly fun and quiet week to enjoy it in. We are just coming

Fire & Desire: Exploring Venus Through Your Birth Chart

It’s time to go deep when it comes to the game of love, friends! Going deep and exploring why you love the way you love is what understanding Venus is all about. As we know, every planet in the solar system has a set of themes and qualities attached to

Taurus Season Love Horoscopes: Shine with Venus

Has Spring Fever hit you yet? If not, there’s still plenty of time. This week we have the exciting transit of commitment arriving: the beautiful glow of the Sun shining on the Fixed sign of the Earth sign Taurus. Taurus is the most sensual of the Earth signs because Bulls

Venus Squares Jupiter: Remove Your Rose-Colored Glasses

On April 15th, we have a mouthful of a planetary aspect – Venus in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. What does that mean? What happens when Venus, the planet of love is in the sensitive Water sign of Pisces, but also in a square to optimistic Jupiter in the sign

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: April 8-14th, 2019

Boy, do we have a quiet week ahead in the skies. We have next to nothing in terms of major transits this week (unlike last week) – that means you get a nice and easy week from the Universe to just enjoy life. The easy Gemini Moon consumes the first

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 25-31, 2019

Happy Spring, beloveds! It’s been an intense flurry for March this year, a little more so than usual. They say March can either go in like a lion and out like a lamb, or vice versa. But it seems that we have all of the lion energy happening right in

How Are the Planets Connected to Our Zodiac Signs?

The planets in the solar system are connected to each zodiac sign in a profound way. When we’re trying to understand our personality traits, we can look to a birth chart, which takes the exact date, time and location of your birth into account, as well as the transits and

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