Aquarius Articles

Mars in Pisces Love Horoscopes: Active Romance

We may be heading into retrograde season, but, thanks to headstrong Mars, your love life will be anything but slow! On May 13, action-oriented Mars moves into Pisces, a flowing Water sign. Mars stays in Pisces until June 27, and this is the last sign Mars will be in before

Using Your Rising Sign to Accept & Adapt to Change

The Rising Sign is a very important sign in a person’s natal chart, though it has been often been overlooked in the past as there has been more focus on the Sun Sign. Unlike the Sun Sign which is determined by the month and season you were born, the Rising

Saturn in Aquarius: Make Career Dreams Reality

Saturn is making a move into a new sign, Air sign Aquarius, and its time in Earth sign Capricorn will soon come to a close. Saturn is the planet that naturally rules your career and professional goals, so when Saturn moves into a new sign, this can impact the way

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius: Push Outside Your Comfort Zone

It’s Mercury retrograde! This is the first Mercury retrograde for 2020, and it began on February 16 in Water sign Pisces, bringing in that notorious Pisces fog. Mercury just went back into Air sign Aquarius, and spends just under a week retrograde in Aquarius. A planet is called retrograde when

The Waterbearer’s Tarot: Which Tarot Cards Represent Aquarius

We are currently in the season of Aquarius (hooray!) but what does this mean for many of us? Well, let’s take a look at Aquarius and what the sign of the Waterbearer means. This is the sign of quirkiness, unconventionally, and marching to the beat of your own drum. This

Aquarius Woman Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Aquarius woman personality is a force that is never controlled by others. Born January 22 to February 18, Aquarius women are bold leaders with friendly dispositions. The Aquarius female can handle being around people pretty much all the time and makes friends wherever she goes. She’s an excellent listener

Aquarius Man Personality Traits & Characteristics

Highly intellectual, quirky, and independent, men born under the Aquarius sign are often the black sheep of their worlds. Interested in global affairs, caring for the less fortunate, and understanding how the world works (if not the entire Universe), Aquarius men are friendly, like to discuss politics and culture, and

How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Enemies

We all have those people in our lives with whom we just can’t see eye to eye. Some of these folks may be nothing more than a constant annoyance, sort of like a mosquito buzzing around your head, just out of your reach. When they become more than a pain

Air Energy: Chakra Work for Aquarius

Astrology is so unique and magical as a practice because it connects to many aspects of our lives, including our physical health and the health of our chakras. The sign of Aquarius, like each zodiac sign, is connected to one of the major seven chakras, which means that there is

Zodiac Dishes: Foods that Feed Your Sign

Astrology holds the answers to many mysterious questions we have in life, including tips and tricks regarding our personal diets. You probably know a few things about your Sun sign already, but did you know that there are certain foods that may be better for you to eat than other

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