Capricorn Articles

Your 2020 New Year’s Resolution, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

As we approach the New Year, we’re probably collectively thinking about the resolutions we plan to make for 2020. After all, a new year is a new start, a clean slate. It’s time to reinvent yourself! This is the time to make new plans and goals for yourself – and

Chakra Work for Capricorns

It’s Capricorn season again, which means it’s time to celebrate the tenacious sea-goats of the zodiac. Capricorns are strong, hard-working, and loyal to their loved ones – especially when their chakras are aligned. But no one can be their best self when their chakras are unbalanced or blocked, which is

New Moon in Capricorn Solar Eclipse Arrives December 25

Christmas day brings us a gift from the Sun, a powerful New Moon solar eclipse. The energy of a New Moon is that of new beginnings when we feel there is a clean slate to start something we feel is calling us. This next New Moon is in the Earth

New Moon in Capricorn 4-Card Tarot Spread

Hold on to your horses as this December we can anticipate a New Moon in Capricorn! Actually, perhaps the term “hold on” is incorrect. A more appropriate term would be “slow down.” Capricorn is the sign of slowing down, grounding oneself and utilizing responsibility. It is known as the most

Healing Crystals for Every Zodiac Sign on Your Gift List

It’s that time of year when we stress about the perfect gift to get each of the important people in our lives, and it needs to be affordable and meaningful. Maybe you’re feeling like there are too many people to shop for, or you’re a perfectionist and want to find

The Ultimate Zodiac Gift Guide

Who doesn’t want to find the perfect gift for each of their loved ones? There’s something about the holidays that turns gift-giving into a bit of a scavenger hunt, with most of us feeling frustrated and insecure in the end: will our friend actually enjoy that trendy kitchen item, or

What Tarot Deck Do You Need, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Everyone needs a Tarot card deck in their life, but it can be a tricky task to figure out which deck is right for you. If you still have yet to decide on your first Tarot deck or perhaps are an avid deck collector searching for your second or even

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: December 2-8, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings! It’s an interesting week from the Universe – and it’s an exciting one. There is not much in the forecast to report, but as we get closer to the holiday season, we are feeling a little busier and more stressed as days go on. Last week was slow,

Black Friday Astrology Forecast by Zodiac Sign

It’s that time of the year again when we begin to celebrate the holidays. And the first weekend that generally launches this every year is the weekend of Thanksgiving and Black Friday. That’s when we start to get serious about shopping and everything exciting when it comes to the holiday

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