Capricorn Articles

halloween costume

The BEST Halloween Costume for Your Zodiac Sign

Trick or Treat! It’s that time of year again when the weather changes, the summer is firmly behind us, and we all look forward to the tradition of dressing up and scaring each other. Are you ready for some spooky fun? And most importantly, are you ready to find out

fashionable woman in a green skirt sitting on a modern grey couch smiling

What Your Perfect Home Looks Like, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

When it comes to just about everything, each of the zodiac signs has preferences. Each Sun sign gravitates to different home features. They want to feel comfortable and relaxed in their own space. Looking at the traits associated with your unique zodiac sign can be fun and very useful if

four women leaning into each other with their eyes closed in nature

Pluto is Moving BACK Into Capricorn – Here’s EXACTLY What This Means

The planet of transformation, Pluto, is soon going back to Capricorn, a zodiac sign it’s toured for more than a decade. Pluto began to move into Aquarius starting last year and officially entered Aquarius to stay in November. But before then, it has one last tour of Capricorn first! Pluto goes back

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Leo

The Sun is about to move into Leo, meaning Leo season is arriving, and it’s time to break out the party hats and start celebrating! If you’re a Leo yourself, it’s your time to shine right now, letting your luminous personality light up every corner of any room you enter.

Your Dark Side, Based on Your Moon Sign

Your Moon sign refers to the placement of the Moon at the time of your birth – that is, the constellation, or sign, that the Moon was in at the very moment that you entered this world. The Moon rules our emotions and connects to our shadows, so it only

man holding a flame up to a woman's face against a night sky with a full moon

Feeling Intense Energy? Blame the Full Moon in Capricorn

Each Full Moon of the year falls under a different sign in the zodiac. And while Full Moons typically bring similar energies – change, emotional turbulence, strange feelings – each Full Moon actually possesses different qualities that affect us in different ways. On June 21st, 2024, we’ll experience a Full

pair of hands holding a piggybank

How to Make Money in 2024, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever felt like you were in the wrong job? Maybe you took a job to learn a specific skill. Or, maybe it was simply to pay the bills (that’s a reality in life that doesn’t need a spiritual purpose). At any rate, if you have ever found yourself

two woman sitting at a desk reviewing items on a laptop screen

Your Powerful Mars in Capricorn Career Horoscopes

If you haven’t yet felt the practically motivated energy typically associated with Capricorn season, don’t fret! You’re about to experience a transit that will help to ground and guide the fiery passion within, especially when it comes to your career and going after your goals. Mars – the passionate planet

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