Capricorn Articles

pink jack-o-lantern bucket tipped over spilling pink-covered candy

Which Halloween Candy Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

One of the very best parts of Halloween is the guilt-free candy binge we allow ourselves to indulge in. After all, it only happens once a year! Halloween also allows adults to access and celebrate their inner child and wild sense of imagination. You can be anything you want on

This is the Healing Crystal You Need, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Each astrological sign has certain weaknesses that can be improved upon to bring about a more well-rounded, self-aware person, and crystals can help. If we’re prone to a bad temper, for example, certain crystals can help us remain calm. If we’re known to be lazy, we can use crystals to

What You Need to Know About this Week’s Full Moon

Whether you’ve already been having an emotional and spiritually potent year or not, the Full Moon in Pisces is ready to bring those themes to the forefront here and now. The Full Moon represents the completion of a lunar cycle, and it always focuses on bringing to fruition those things

woman with glowing skin and various piercings gazing up with long eyelashes

Your ESSENTIAL Mercury in Cancer Love Horoscopes

On July 26th, Mercury enters Cancer, and here we see the planet that rules Virgo and Gemini soften somewhat as it moves into the sign of the crab. What does this mean for us? Mostly, it means our communication style will be infused with emotion and messages from the heart.

Which Emoji Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Emojis act as creative representations of our emotions. This can be a wonderfully freeing feeling for anyone who is not particularly fond of expressing their feelings. So, which emoji best represents you and your sign? Keep reading to find out! Aries Smiling Face with Horns Emoji Aries are fiery and self-assured.

two people, one with long black hair and one with short curly blonde hair, standing together back to back

Your ESSENTIAL Love Horoscopes for Venus in Cancer

Have you been craving a shift in your love life? It’s time to get ready for change because Venus is moving into the loving, nurturing sign of Cancer on May 7th, bringing markedly different energy. When Venus – the planet of beauty and love – is in the domestic sign

a white new moon in the sky against a blue starry night

What Does the Moon in Capricorn Mean?

The Moon and her mysteriously palpable and influential energy must not be overlooked, especially when it comes to astrology. The Moon’s pull affects the ocean’s tides, the growth of crops, the collective subconscious, and perhaps most importantly, our emotions.  The Moon rules over our subconscious and unconscious minds, dreams, feelings,

excited woman in a red dress smiling

Harness Capricorn’s Power When Pluto Goes Direct

It’s simple. Take your power back. That’s what Pluto direct is telling you in your horoscopes. Once upon a time, there was a tiny planet named Pluto, discovered in 1930 by a man named Clyde Tombaugh. Pluto was considered the ninth planet from the Sun. Until one day, in 1992,

Are You One of the Strongest Zodiac Signs? (Or the Weakest?!)

We’ve all crossed paths with someone and instantly felt intimated or influenced by their presence. You know those individuals whose energy captivates and dominates a room and exudes major “don’t mess with me” vibes. All the zodiac signs have strengths and weaknesses, all possessing characteristics and energy that have the

Which Zodiac Signs Can’t Keep a Secret?

Just like certain people are prone to gossip, certain zodiac signs can’t keep a secret. You know those people. You tell them something in confidence. Next thing you know, everyone’s in on it. Talk about frustrating, to say the least! So, which zodiac signs are the best at keeping secrets?

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