Capricorn Articles

These 5 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected by the Capricorn Stellium

Capricorn season 2022 has more than the usual planetary presence. The skies are gearing up for a whole lot of action, and so are we! All of the cosmos decided to flock together in the tenacious Earth sign of Capricorn. Right now, a whopping five planets are forming a Capricorn

Try These Grounding Mantra Meditations for the Earth Signs

As an Earth sign, you’re known for your stability and practicality. You keep everything real and show an interest in material things. Yet, let’s take a moment to ground you and connect with your spiritual side — something that you might not do all that often but you might desperately

What’s the Worst Thing That Could Happen to Your Zodiac Sign in 2022?

Folks, it’s officially bye-bye, 2021! Are you ready to pop champagne and ring in 2022? Raise your hand if this is you on January 1st (we see you, Capricorns, and Virgos!) Filled out new year planner – check! Vision board created – check! Journaled your affirmations – check! Eagerly awaiting

10 Affirmations for Ambitious Capricorn Season

Being both the last stretch of 2021 and the simultaneous kick-off for 2022, Capricorn season can easily feel like a huge “make or break” moment for many of us. The pressure to check off any final boxes for 2021 coupled with the desire to set any exciting New Year’s resolutions

Make Sure You’re Prepared for 2022 Eclipse Season with this Helpful Guide

A transformative, powerful eclipse is just around the corner! Are you ready? Each year, we experience myriad Solar and Lunar eclipses, each one bringing with it differing, changing energies. With one eclipse just around the corner and many others to come our way in 2022, this may be the perfect

What Oracle Deck You Should Buy, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

They’re sweet, they’re in touch with your intuition, and they’re easy to read — they’re Oracle cards, and they’re a staple of many modern diviners’ deck collections! Chances are, you’ve already heard of an Oracle deck, but if you’re finding yourself stumped at the word, know that if you’re a

Who Are the Laziest Zodiac Signs?

If there’s one thing that we know to be true, it’s that everyone’s different — including how we work, play, and, yes, even slack off. Astrology has been a guide to deeper self-exploration and understanding long before we stepped foot onto this planet, and it equally can be a helpful

Find Clarity for your Sign with the Enlightening Energy of 11/11

By this point, you probably know a bit of the magic, mystique, and wonder that surrounds 11:11 — so what’s with all the hype? And more importantly, how can you be using it too? There’s definitely something inherently satisfying about numbers aligning like how 11:11 does, and it’s not a

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 1 – 7, 2021

Are you ready for some extreme manifestation vibrations, followed by committed love and intense conversations? Then this week was tailor-made for you – especially if you have any prominent Scorpio placements. First up, on November 4th, we experience a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio, marking the best time

All About the Lucky Planet Jupiter

Not only is Jupiter the biggest planet in your solar system, but it is also one of the most liked. The truth is, Jupiter is just so likable and lucky that you can’t help but smile when you think of it! If you imagine the planets as people, you can

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