Capricorn Articles

Your Enlightening Horoscope for Pluto Direct in Capricorn

For the last six months, Pluto has been retrograde in Capricorn, but on October 6th, it turns direct again. This is going to be extra powerful because, on the same day, we have a New Moon in Libra working its magic on us. So what does this mean for you?

What Dog Breed Are You, Based on Your Sign?

It’s been suggested the first wild dog was domesticated close to 15,000 years ago–which just proves how long mankind has been fascinated by our canine companions. We’ve shared resources and living space over time until dogs evolved from mere guardians and useful tools to beloved members of our family. At

What Your Sign Says About the Way You Love

One of the greatest thrills in life is taking steps to discover who you truly are inside: astrology can tell us so much about ourselves that we wouldn’t otherwise recognize. Not only can astrology open our eyes to personality traits found in our friends and family, but it can teach

The Alternative Animal for Your Zodiac Sign, Using Tarot Cards

You may be quite familiar with the standard symbolism that is attached to each zodiac sign. They’re quite important, after all! Aries is the ram, Taurus is the bull, so on and so forth. Each of these symbols, often in animal form, has rich meaning and importance that enhance our

greek god

What Greek God Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

If you’re into astrology, you probably already know the basics about your zodiac sign, such as your positive and negative qualities or your most compatible signs. So, if you find astrology intriguing, you’ll probably want to know which Greek god or goddess is associated with your astrological sign. Each sign

Which Goddess Are You, Based on Your Sign?

Astrology signs have their own traits and characteristics, much like the goddesses of mythology. The world of mythology is home to monsters, gods, goddesses, battles, war, love, light, and creation stories. Myths are prevalent in every culture across the world, and even today, these myths can fill our spirits and

How to Build Your Bank Account, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

There is no doubt that the worldwide pandemic has hit everyone hard in one way or another. Financially, many people are facing some kind of struggle. Worry, stress, and concern have skyrocketed, and many are concerned about their finances, which are looking increasingly unpredictable and volatile. There is some good

All About Capricorn Rising in Esoteric Astrology

After the adventure and exploration of Sagittarius Rising, we come to the complex and intriguing sign of Capricorn. In Traditional Astrology, Capricorn is associated with work, focus, and diligence, and it is much the same in Esoteric Astrology. But in Soul Astrology, this strong work ethic is taken to a

Capricorn Woman Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Capricorn woman is born December 22nd – January 20th, so she shares her birthday with the craziness of the holidays but also the excitement of the turning of a new year when we set our sights high and are reinvigorated to pursue our goals. The Capricorn sign is goal-oriented

Capricorn Man Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Capricorn male is anyone born around December 21 to January 20. The Capricorn sign offers him a strong and intimidating personality that can allow him to achieve great success and be a formidable leader. He takes life seriously and is someone who will also take your personal trials seriously

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