Capricorn Articles

How to Get in Good with Your Boss, by Their Zodiac Sign

We’ve all faced many different personality types when it comes to the folks we work for. But when it comes to dealing with your own boss, have you ever considered how astrology strategy can help you get what you want, or at least make things a little bit easier? We

Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn: Uncover the Secrets to Success

2020 has come with its fair share of challenges, but there is also some incredibly promising energy to come with it. This includes the transit of Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, which has been in effect on-and-off throughout 2020. The first hit came in April, and the second hit was

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn Horoscopes: Closing Life Chapters

Here comes the Capricorn Full Moon! We’ll soon experience a Full Moon in Earth sign Capricorn, and this isn’t any Full Moon in Capricorn – it’s also a Lunar eclipse! And this will be the last Lunar eclipse in Capricorn for some years to come, so it’s truly a closing

How to Use the Zodiac to Avoid Arguing in Your New Relationship

There’s nothing quite like falling into a new romance. The early infatuation, the long conversations late into the night as you slowly peel back the layers… of each other’s personalities. You’re blissfully floating on a cloud…until you unknowingly push a button that makes the new love in your life go

The Elements of the Zodiac: Your Key to Success

Success isn’t a guarantee. It’s a result of skill, luck, hard work, timing… you get the picture. But sometimes, your path is written in the stars. You simply need to watch for the right cues and use your talents to your advantage. What does success mean to you? Do you

The Animal You Most Relate to Based on Your Zodiac Sign

You’ve probably got a favorite animal, but what animal is most similar to you based on your zodiac sign? Every animal on the planet has its own set of personality traits and by learning which animal your sign reflects, you’ll learn even more about yourself than you thought was possible.

How Astrology Can Help You Find Your Career Path

Do you feel like you’re not living up to your potential on your current career path? Do you feel stuck, like you aren’t moving forward toward the goals you’ve set for yourself?  You’re not the only one! One should not underestimate the importance of having a job that makes you

Your Zodiac Sign’s Shadow & Light Sides – and How to Navigate Them

Everything has a balance. Good can’t exist without bad, life can’t exist without death, and light can’t exist without darkness. Is it surprising then that this is also true for the twelve zodiac signs? When it comes to understanding how the good and bad traits in one person work uniquely

How to Use Elements of Astrology to Better Understand People

Do you know which zodiac sign you are? Probably, but do you know which element dominates your personality? What about the personality of your partner, or a friend? Elements can help us understand others more, help us balance our own personality quirks, and even give us insights on how to

How Your Venus Sign Can Help You Connect During Social Distancing

We’re collectively living through a challenging time filled with uncertainty and isolation that most of us have never experienced previously. It can be hard to feel connected right now, especially when we’re still practicing social distancing and following safer-at-home orders. Yet, connection is one of the most important things in

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