Libra Articles

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: November 18-24, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings. It’s adventure time! After last week, Sagittarius love is upon us and we are expected to enjoy life to the fullest with Venus currently in Sagittarius. This week the Sun joins the party and Sagittarius season officially begins! This is an exciting time of the year. We are

Libra Man: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Male Libra

The first thing most people notice about a Libra sign is that they are not like everyone else. The friendly and charming personality of a Libra man is a part of what makes him stand out from others and a big part of what makes it so enjoyable to be

Which Tree is Associated with Your Zodiac Sign?

Astrology can help us learn and understand more about ourselves than we ever thought possible through its rich use of symbolism and symbiotic relationships—each astrological sign is associated with many elements, from flowers to colors to crystals and nearly everything in between, including trees. Trees are one of the most

The Scariest Horror Movie for Your Zodiac Sign

​It’s the most wonderful time of the year if you’re a horror junkie! Some people love to dress up for Halloween, some people love to party, and some people (like me) love to grab a bottomless bucket of popcorn and scare themselves silly! In celebration of one of our favorite

The Best Cozy Autumn Activity for Your Zodiac Sign

Every zodiac sign is different, and our differences are what make us beautiful. Like a flickering autumnal leaf, your personality is original and like no one else’s. Just like every individual is unique, how you choose to celebrate and enjoy yourself is unique. The shifting of the seasons is a

Tarot Cards for Libra: Which Tarot Cards Correspond with Libra?

A sign best known for their love of balance, harmony and beauty, the Libran desire to keep those scales balanced goes far deeper than just ensuring everything is in its proper place and keeping things pleasant on an aesthetic level. Ruled by Venus, Libra is the sign that wants the

Which Herb You Should Work With, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

We live on a planet full of mystical treasures that assist us each day; herbs are one of the most useful of those treasures, and their enchanting properties may surprise you. Beyond the emotionally and physically healing properties of herbs, herbs are also associated with astrology. Each zodiac sign has

Forge Stronger Relationships With Libra & Scorpio

The Sun just recently entered Libra on September 23rd and will be in Libra until October 23rd when it moves into Scorpio. Libra and Scorpio are excellent signs for focusing on your relationships, and this time of the year when the Sun travels through them can bring great energy for

Mercury & Venus in Libra: Debates & Debutantes

​On September 14th, Venus and Mercury enter Libra. Get ready for talking to become a big part of how you spend your time during this transit, as well as for your love life to start to blossom effortlessly. We’ve consolidated the most important aspects of these planetary movements to give

Saturn Direct Love Horoscopes: How to Have “the Talk” & Win

​Ewwwww….it’s time for “The Talk.” It’s that moment in our relationships when we know we need to move forward, but don’t know how to do it, or don’t want to do it….yet. Much of that procrastination comes from Saturn being retrograde. Saturn is the serious taskmaster of the planets, one

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